Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ok. .thank u~

And the 2nd place goes to *drum roll * KRIHIIK PERODAKSHEN ! ! ! *applause* WOW wat an experience,hving to beat 4 other gud looking videos,i was proud,eventho we lost to iskandar,bcause we lost to a champ. .its like losing in a fight with bruce lee while u beat jackie chan n jet li. .we were given a trophy,which i will keep safe. .i thank all the actors n supporters of this project n the judges too. .without u my dream wont come true. .the video will be uploaded soon to youtube along with the 'we r the world 'cover' by krihiik perodakshen actors n director(me) ' hehe. .i think that is all. .ok~thank u~

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I am happy and proud to get a B for my gp APR. .i love gp,n i dislike eas. .gp seems to be more motivational n more fun. Todays like the other days overall,topped with a lil more happiness.somehow today i had fun studying,alhamdulillah. .the sad part of the day is that,no one said sorry for ystrday's event. .the birthday boy didnt reply my message,i complaind,he gave a valid reason but he cudve just said the magic word 'thank u' at that moment,cudve made me smile. .yes i hve been emo this week,for a reason that i do not know. .

Tmrrow is the day when the winner of the 'xpress video' cmptition is revealed. .wafi,one the judge keep teasing me. .i am nrvous but smehow i feel the confidence because wafi keep imitating the scenes in front of me. .hehe,well i think we hv a big chance of winning. .

Dats all for now,piss

Fuuuck! ! !

What a terrible day! !its nt the weathr or anythn. .today's my fren's birthday,it shudve been a blast. .when i found out i got an E for physics while my frens got C,i was down,but i tot to myself "its ok,after this u'll be celebrtn fizul's bday,itll b fun" ,after class went to the pool,fizul blum ada. .so,i went to the with saf1 n marul,keepng em company. .then after abis marul makan c waie dtg,bgtau yg abis sdh event tadi. .i ws like,WHAT THE FUCK! ! !I DNT GET TO SING FOR HIM AND DNT GET TO SEE HIS MALU MALU FACE? ? ! !damn ws i mad,but,managed nt to show it. .well at least i get to eat the cake. .i tot. .when i got there,theres only this pieces of cake on a white disposable plate,n that is left,n they were like "u three can share. ." thats it,i ws rely disappointd. .i didnt eat the cake,'they' dnt even offer me the cake properly. .after all this time waitn for dat moment,n i missd it?i ws gnna cry,esp when i ws ber wudhu.think my eyes went red. .failed my physics,n failed to celebrate my fren's birthday,im a failure. .u noe i have been jimating my money,n $2 is a lot for me now,spent that much,n i get nothing? ?wtf! ! !damn. .i hate this soo much! !aaaaaah! ! ! !

Monday, April 26, 2010


Random topic. .

People often say we should treat people like we treat ourselves. .personally,i dnt agree wit that. .through prsonal experience,some give gud reactions n some,bad. .so,i think the meaning of 'treat ourselves' is how we want people to treat us. .so,we shud treat people how they want to be treated. .apakan,buang buring

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Ok,people get angry at me but hvnt done a anything wrong n the people who actually did something wrong got away. .n these angry people were aware of that. .why me? ?am i always the victim?why am i always the 1st one to be suspected when sumthng bad happened?n never wud i be suspected when sumthng gud happend. .im the last person to be in their thought. .mybe bcause im nt good looking?non rely look at the heart of sumone. .

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I figured i out! ! !

The reason why dnt hve a girlfriend bcuz i dnt need one! I wont even bother puttin any effort into as i always say "bhapa aku mcari bne2,durang yg cari aku" hahaha. .well dat dusnt seem to work. .well,dnt rely care tho,hahaha. .as long as i dnt waste my precious time. .hahohe

Monday, April 12, 2010


Watching the birthday girl jump today made me jealous. .i rmember my 15th birthday. .when non of my classmates knew it was my birthday. .i rmembered theirs. . .why cnt i have dat special moment?am i not qualified?i mean,the whole day i ws waiting for any of my friends to greet me,but no,none did. .my 16th birthday,i dnt quite rmember,mybe theres nothing to rmember at all,except for the greetings on facebook which kinda shaped my smile a bit. .i rmember givin my frens presents for their birthday n my mom asked 'kau punya birthday ada durng bge kn?' sumthn lyk dat,which made me think for awhile. .huh. .at least my family made me cakes

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I want that n i want that n that , that too n that

Well my list of things i 'need' :

a new laptop charger
2 x 2gb 800 mhz sodimm ram
adobe after effects
a new laptop keyboard(black)
a metallic blue acrylic spray paint
soldering iron,solder
a drill
a girlfriend,hahaha(since fantastic four,aku nganya nda ada,apa jua nganya kadiaku ane)