Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fuuuck! ! !

What a terrible day! !its nt the weathr or anythn. .today's my fren's birthday,it shudve been a blast. .when i found out i got an E for physics while my frens got C,i was down,but i tot to myself "its ok,after this u'll be celebrtn fizul's bday,itll b fun" ,after class went to the pool,fizul blum ada. .so,i went to the with saf1 n marul,keepng em company. .then after abis marul makan c waie dtg,bgtau yg abis sdh event tadi. .i ws like,WHAT THE FUCK! ! !I DNT GET TO SING FOR HIM AND DNT GET TO SEE HIS MALU MALU FACE? ? ! !damn ws i mad,but,managed nt to show it. .well at least i get to eat the cake. .i tot. .when i got there,theres only this pieces of cake on a white disposable plate,n that is left,n they were like "u three can share. ." thats it,i ws rely disappointd. .i didnt eat the cake,'they' dnt even offer me the cake properly. .after all this time waitn for dat moment,n i missd it?i ws gnna cry,esp when i ws ber wudhu.think my eyes went red. .failed my physics,n failed to celebrate my fren's birthday,im a failure. .u noe i have been jimating my money,n $2 is a lot for me now,spent that much,n i get nothing? ?wtf! ! !damn. .i hate this soo much! !aaaaaah! ! ! !

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