Friday, May 28, 2010


Im planning to renew this place,make it cool and unique. .hmm,maybe tmrrow night. .possible theme : starwars,no more heroes,sumthn spacy. .no not lil wayne. .hmm if i put hizaki dat'll change the whole mood of this place. .i shudnt. .we'll see

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Too many interest? ?

Is it possible for me to be a rapper/rnb singer and a vkei guitarist?a kendoka and a pesilat?a hardcore gamer and an A star student?and i still have other things like workin out,photoshop-ing,video editting,diy and family! !isnt that too much?how do i cope with all this?hahahah. .life is short,and theres a whole lot of things to do,its not wrong being an adventurer is it?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bini bini?

What is a student?a person who studies. .what is a good student?a student who not only studies in school or during school time but also independently or with friends during free time. .i have encountered people who compliments other people saying that they are intelligent and smart and all that. .but i also sense that the prson complimenting has the potential to be intelligent and smart too!only they didnt put effort. .a lot of teenagers do not take studying seriously,and are spoiled!like my sister,who i never see do any school work and always asking for my phone everynight and goes online and sleeps late in the morning and I HAVE TO WAKE HER UP EVERY MORNING AND SHE IS 14! I mean wtf?what a lazy person. .n when i dnt giv her my phone she'd suddenly be so mean,nt just to me but to others as well. .the laptop,is now always in her room,which is her fault,everytime she takes the laptop away from my room she never puts it back in place,i never complaind. .but everytime i knock on the door she wont respond,i have to knock harder and she be like "nda payah cma2 wah,brijap" i was like,apakaaan,mun namanya nda mbuka pintu,siapa th suruh,d katuk nda mdgr. .theres also times when she turns on the music while shes in the bathroom n when anybodies callin for her she wont be able to hear them,stupid. .Her topic for the day is always about drama at school bla bla bla students frm stpri hate her bla bla soas bla bla she also laughs at people's pictures on facebook n criticize. .as if shes perfect. .thats ALL she does,everydaay. .she wont even cook,if werent told,i mean shes a girl!bini bini bah!but i dnt see her do any bini bini punya krja. .and on one particular day i went to my cousin's haus,preparing for the majlis,people were cleaning plates,me n ma dad setting the mic n speakers as usual and where my sister at?Shes still asleep! !girls her age was working n shes still asleep?bri malu jua tuu. .gila eh. .im gnna stop for now cuz i dnt see any end to this topic. .assalamualaikum

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I am fun-art

There is this girl that i like,
i noe her n i just might,
wanna make her wanna make her mine,
cuz it feels so right.

But she goes to the smart boys,
not like me i just play with toys,
hittin things n makin noise,
she got sick listenin to my voice

evrytime she laughs she struck a thunder to my abdoment,
n i'd be masochistic for that moment,
i aint gettin but im hopin,
that shell get her doors open,

but she goes to the genius,
they talk shit bout the universe,
n i just sit n write this verse,
feel like gettin my head immersed.

Tried to talk but it never last,
tried to effect but i cnt impress,
she went away so in my face!
In my face! Face! Face!

But she goes to the not me,
i cud see she being naughty,
but i cud neva get that for me,
now i aint got no company. .

But she goes to the. . .
To the. . .
Damn this fucked up

Lucid Dreamer buang buring

Friday, May 14, 2010

Lucid Dreamer

I have been searching for a good name to replace 'young jok3r' . .last night a friend of mine told me that im a lucid dreamer. .so i was like,lucid dreamer sounds cool n unique n i googled to see if anybody is using that name,n fortunately no. .so,yeah,Lucid Dreamer is a possible replacement. .

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Some random shit

Ok. .maths exam was,uhh so disappointin,nt wat i expcted,it gets harder now for me to get an A for maths. .hmm,since i was in high school i was never an 'A' maths student,wat makes me think i cn be one now? ?bcus i chnged?NAAH!haha,im the same old kid in disguise. .haha

i realized dat ANYBODY can talk behind anybody's back (nt literally but yea) even his/her friends. .so i ws thnkin,wat things to they talk about me bhind my back?hmmm. .

Btw,me n safwan planned to change our grup name,n CHANGE OUR STAGE NAMES! !i noe,this is big stuff,since lot of people actually called me joker. .well,i have to drop 'young jok3r' bcause its too common,now i gtta find sumthn unique,any suggestions?PAU?

Back to the school stuffs,i will now reveal FAUZAN'S PLAN TO SUCCESS FTPS ! ! Basically,the idea is to stayback at school evry school day n study wit ma frens,yes as simple as dat. .i realizd i cud cover lots of topics in dat short time
i will be very prepared for exams.
I wont waste my time(i usually play my pc at this times)
i can chill during the exam months while others might stress (what i sight!)
and i can join activities such as TALENTIME,TALENTINE or watsoever. .i am rely lookin forward for it,hehe. .


Umm,cnt figure out xp

ayt,dats ol 4 now,assalamualaikum n bye

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ohh yeah i frgot whre i put my wig

Aint got the curls no mo,ma head is shinin ryt na. .mny people giv negativ feedbacks,they wre lyk 'sayang! knapa kau gunting? wat hppned to your hair? I loved yo fro! ' yea had to deal wit this. .the reason i cut ma hair is cuz exams real near,n i dnt think fros r allowd,hehe. .well,its the old me again