Thursday, May 13, 2010

Some random shit

Ok. .maths exam was,uhh so disappointin,nt wat i expcted,it gets harder now for me to get an A for maths. .hmm,since i was in high school i was never an 'A' maths student,wat makes me think i cn be one now? ?bcus i chnged?NAAH!haha,im the same old kid in disguise. .haha

i realized dat ANYBODY can talk behind anybody's back (nt literally but yea) even his/her friends. .so i ws thnkin,wat things to they talk about me bhind my back?hmmm. .

Btw,me n safwan planned to change our grup name,n CHANGE OUR STAGE NAMES! !i noe,this is big stuff,since lot of people actually called me joker. .well,i have to drop 'young jok3r' bcause its too common,now i gtta find sumthn unique,any suggestions?PAU?

Back to the school stuffs,i will now reveal FAUZAN'S PLAN TO SUCCESS FTPS ! ! Basically,the idea is to stayback at school evry school day n study wit ma frens,yes as simple as dat. .i realizd i cud cover lots of topics in dat short time
i will be very prepared for exams.
I wont waste my time(i usually play my pc at this times)
i can chill during the exam months while others might stress (what i sight!)
and i can join activities such as TALENTIME,TALENTINE or watsoever. .i am rely lookin forward for it,hehe. .


Umm,cnt figure out xp

ayt,dats ol 4 now,assalamualaikum n bye

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