Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Its time

Its just an exam away before i cud decide which path i would choose next. .n that exam is less than 3 months away. .i am very excited yet scared to sit for the exam. .i want to get at least BBB for this exam. .i believe i cud achieve that,hmm. .

Its been awhile since the last time i talk about my love life. .nothing has changed(soo disappointed).im still single.but i hve my eyes on this MH! But the chances of me to even be friends with her is quite low. .and uhh,time is not with me. .haha!i still rmember when i tried to speak to a girl and she didnt reply me and asked her fren to talk for her instead,and i was 'rejected',it was embrassing,my cnfidence dropped real hard. .but it was a gud exprience. .ahh,n theres anotha gurl whose prsonality i lyk but her physique was so so. .her fren gave a hint that the girl was intrsted but i sort of didnt do my move and now when i tried to talk to her she only rsponded with short sntnces,maybe shes shy,hmm. . N now i got a new target and i will try to get to know her,muahahaha! ! ! I used to be angry to my fren cuz he said that ' pretty girl = taken ' ,i was against that 'law' and i ws ryt. .he is now with the pretty girl of his choice. . But somehow now im starting to blieve in that statement,buwh! But if other people think the same way and they think that shes taken and that she wont be intrsted,she wud be more open for rlationship bcuz she dnt noe that a lot of people are having intrst for her and that she wud have to take the chance and fall for the prson that actually shows intrest for her. .hohoho. .omg typing is a lot harder than talking! Oryt,i hope u undrstand gibberish. . Til next time,piss!

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