Saturday, October 23, 2010


"Had egg" ! ! Maths p3 is really not my thing. .so im takin a break now. .huh. .a month away from my release,i am soo excited! ! But im nervous cuz im not prepared for the exams! ! ! I just hope evrythin goes well. .oh yeah,last night was AWESOOME(low pitched,just imagine a hippo sayin this) ! ! I chatted with MH ! Well,online,but stiiill~ its funny to me that i tell her bout my feelings,apparently she still reads this blog so no hiding. .we talked a little bout THE guy (u know,the lucky one whom im jealous of). .she told me that she told him that hes lucky. .theres sumthin suspicious about this. .shes not the kind to be like "ur lucky to have me bcause im awesome" . .no,so there must be a reason. .hehe. .and uh,i found out that girls also do the "eEeEEEE (excited state)". .she said she does that sometimes when she sees me. .i was flattered. .hahah. .she's so "open". .dat it seems like shes intrested,when shes not. .i dnt whats happenin,but i just dnt care anymore if shes taken,i just want to be as close as possible to her. .somehow its better than being nobody. .and now i ask my self why am i soo desperate. .i dnt noe,hormones? ? Oops,was that rhetorical? . .anyway,i just realised that i "planned" this post while i was talkin to my self in the shower. . Wow,i write a lot when it comes to her. .lets stop,i spent nearly 30 mins doing this,MY CRUCIAL 30 MINS! !wait,i spent 4 hours chattin with her..but it was worth it! !endorphins baybay! !shud help me fight the stress. .oh yeah,i forgot to thank her,how cud i forget? ?so if YOU are reading this.THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR AN AMAZING NIGHT! ! Ookie. .dat is all. .assalamualaikum n peace. .

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