Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hello,assalamualaikum. .how r ya'll doin?me im doin good. .i jogged today,its a l0oong time ago the last time i jogged bfore tday. .it feels good. .i feel more energetic! !i dnt feel drowsy n i can study! ! What?my exams? Amm,gp was NOT ok. .well,its just an As subject,no biggie,im just worried bout my teacher's feelin if my results arent gud enough. .next wud be gp paper 1 n maths paper 4. .wish me luck! ! "why do u need luck,dnt u prepare enough?" - my mother. . .hahah. .its been awhile since i tell u about my aaah. .love life(there are multiple side of my life. .career/study,love/family,hobbies,religious stuffs). .i still have feelings for her but im cool with the fact that she cant be mine,hehe. .evrytime i see a girl,i'll compare that girl to her,hahah. .i guess that is all for now,kinda bz,hehe. .assalamualaikum n peace. .

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