Sunday, April 26, 2009


I caught a cold. .i feel soo weak. .but i forced my self to do ma hw,tho i didnt finish it x(

I Had plans fo this day,pksa cancel. . .frustrated,i playd god father to relax my mind,or to activate it. .it was unsuccsful. .huh. .i got sumthn important to do but i cant. . .sory,i cudnt tell u what. . .but hopefully,i'll feel oryt tomrrow so i cud do it before i go to school. .

Dats ol fo now,i wanna rest. .btw,d title is a mix of sh*t n sick. . .hee. .peace. .

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Last man standing

Guess whos d last student to be in school tday? ME!HAHAHA. . .i was at skool til 6 + pm ! Hahah! My gran's driver forgot to tke me n my hp has no batt! !uh,why at dis tym? ? Frtunately i cud borrow sumone elses hp n at 6+ my dad took me. .hahaha. .btw,at nearly 6,there was no one in dat skool,except fo me,and d watch man,if he's there,hee. . .ayt.peace

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Heres some freestyle fo da 'blow me a kiss' song by git fresh

Hey hey miss,
Blow me a kiss,
i'll giv u the bliss,
n u sure be pleased.

Yes u r his,
but let me tell u this,
u find it hard wit him,with me u flow wit ease. .

Blow me a kiss hit me on ma cheek.
N i get ya ,im suddenly weak.
ma mouth be leaked.
Sayn to ma homies 'she sick!'

I know. .

Yes,its been awhile. .im very sory,im a very busy man. . .first,i got my hw to do,2nd,need to prctice guitar n dance,3rd,i got football matchs whch makes me tired at d end of d day. . .4th,im just too lazy. . . Plz undrstand,peace,assalamualaikum xD

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dadada (defensive)

Spell check spell check!
Jok3r bring tha next text!

I aint delrious im delicious.
U trynna hit me wit ya disses.
U tryin hard ya brain got blisters.
But its useless cuz your hit misses.

Yah.ya ryt i aint cool im hot!
I aint a fool im smart!
Like a bull im hard!
Gurls drool cuz im all that!hahaha

Im walkin with ma bling,yea im a bad man.
Yea im a rat with wings,im tha batman.
I dnt have to do a thing,cuz my maids can.
Im rich,im hot,cuz im bruce wayne.

Hahaha.yea. . .my offensive writing is soo powerful it cud kill,dats why im being dfensive but it is still,real. .haaa.peace

Lets not rhyme for a minute. .

Okay. . .wat did i say? ? ?ur face hidious,put a smile on it. . .tell me people wat does it mean?it means,i dont like to see people without a smile their face.n dat i want u to smile.evrybody looks good when dey smile. .i am being honst here. .dats d truth. . .ive neva called sumone ugly bfore,except when jokin wit ma frens. . .but if ur still angry,i am sorry. .

Monday, April 13, 2009


I neva eva purposely n seriously offend some one by writin rhymes. .but,i CAN. .hahaha.juz fo yo info,since im bored. . Peace


Wat i want u to do,is tell me if u find my last post 'wat i do' offensive,thru c box. .cuz,it isnt made to offend. . .ayt,dats all. .thanx for readin. .

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Wat i do. wohoo ada mood.hahah

Wat i do?i forgive.
Wat u do?u believe.
If u dont,u wont,u gone,u gon leave.
Haa. .

So u gon trust me.
U must see.
U just be,believe in tha fan of weezy.

Why so serious?no need to b sorry.
Ya face hidious.put a smile cuz its ugly.
So u curious.wat me wat ya col homie.
I tolerate dats wat i do i got it naturally.

But but but,i do have a favor.
Listen to ma song taste its flava.
Tell me if ya like it or u'll neva.
Yea cmment on it like u have ta.
Ya u gotta tell the truth.
Thers nuthin to lose.
U aint gonna get a bruise.
Or a loose tooth. .hmm. .
So im new u new too.
Set ya mind im a cool dude.
I maybe rude,but im a good dude.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

I have a dream (kinda freestyle,hee,since i hav the mood)

Every thing starts from somewhere.
Its eithr u dnt noe or u dont care.
The idea of superman n his underwear.
Creators have dreams i say.

I dream to have ma voice playd on air.
My frens as supprtes n ma guide lil wayne.
My frens as ma body,weezy ma head.
He Gav me creativity n spirit evry day.

Every star was a wannabe.
Yes im on of em,Weezy on top of me.
If ur such a hater back off bfore im mean.
Before i show attitude u neva seen.

Life with a dream is beautiful,
without em life is meaningless,
u dnt hav one how pitiful,
open yo eyes wide cuz u been seeing less.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Whos back whus back?

Ggggoo00o00t nuu beat. .fizul listened to d sample n he said it was bad "blek smula mcm beat mu dulu2" sumthn lyk dat. .n id just improved it,i think it is way better than d sample. .hope fizuls gonna lyk it,cuz i oredy tot of a song. .hahaha. .its called. . . to be cntinued xp xp

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Today. .

At around 10 am fizul n I went to a carnival at SMR,my ex school,hmm,the memories..his dad sent us by car. .it was hot,hotter than me!sounds impssible,but its true xp but,i had so much fun i only realize it when we were about to leave d place. .haha. .as soon as we reach d place,we went around,juz chckin d place out . .hehe. .there were food,bouncers n even horses. .haha.we met safwan n muiz at d foire n went to try d flying fox!only i am brave enuf to try it,i askd dem why dey didnt try xp,dey gav me excuses. .hahah. .man it was fun!feels like flyin. . .haha. .too bad safwan left bfo i fly. .hee. .after dat,i went fo d face paint. .hehe.look at d pic i just uploaded. .hee. .i am d centr of attntion,n im luvin it xp haha.but my frens didnt seem too.haa. . Okay,dats ol fo now. .peace

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Jemo,Heres yo nyappy happy rhyme. .i call it. ."shut up wanksta! ! !" hahaha

So u wearin baggy pants,d sparklin shiny chains,but you got skinny hands,n not dat many frens. .wat a pity,ya da shitty..ok. .ya a wanksta not a a gangsta. .ya names bobby but u booby,even tho u wearin hoodies,think u a man but u booty,dfintely not a cutey. .lalala. .buang bureng

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


To make it simple,i hate my self. .but its not my style. .i am very grateful that i am not physically retarded. .but i hate my 'special' ability. .it works passively,i dont have to do anything except for talking. .i cud reach to a person's heart and abuse it. .either leave a scar,or crush it. .i will be fine,until i find out wat i did. .n after that,i will be crushed,ryte away. .how many times i cursed my self n how many times i cried. .millions.why must there be a monster in me?why must i hurt people?it hurts to hurt. .guiltiness is a form of pain which will not die until you forgive your self. .n forgivin my self is impossible,since i cant apologize to my self. . .i tried to do so,by talking to frens.things just keep getting better when ur own fren says that ur evil. . .i tried to be kind,tot i was being kind,i was too late i find out i was being d opposite. .i cried while d monster laughed. .it is growing. .i am weakening n my frens arent there to support me. .i am falling n my frens arent there to save me. .i am dead. . .n d monster is alive. . .