Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Wadap mai. .assalamualaikum,my friends expect me to update my blog soo,here it is! Aah,ok,lets start. .today,me and ma friends(saf,syam,muiz and hairuz) went out to hang out,its been awhile you know since the last time. .we went to the bank first to withdraw some cash then we headed to cuz i wanted to buy an external hard disk. .a 500Gb xhd for $99,quite a good price for me. .i had lil trouble deciding which colour to choose. .there were only two options,black or red. .the black one is the common one so if i buy that it'll be the same as other people's. .i rarely see people with the red one but im not really a fan of red (Sorry red lovers xp) . .after a few minutes of thinking, i chose the red cuz i think that the black one is khnda dull looking. .paid for it,went to the car,and off to the mall (the only building bruneians call a mall). .i messaged MH earlier and she'd be watchin the movie with us later. .as soon as we reached the building,our stomachs demanded food. .but we went to buy the tickets before we went to KFC,I wanted McDonalds but went to KFC. .ordered the zinger xmeal and didnt expect safwan to pay for me,thanks bang chap! !only finished eating the fried chicken,ate like 1/8 of the burger and half of the french fries. .so i gave the leftover to Muiz who was seatin infront me and keeps sayin 'aku lum plang knyang ne' evertym i said 'nda ku t abis eh'. .and i didnt even finish my drink. .maybe its the porridge i had for breakfast. .i mean,i usually eat a LOT! !one x meal is a no problem! Anyway,after eatin me n c saf we went to the toilet. .and then to UTAMA GRAND to buy chewing gums to refreshen our breaths. .after that we met with the others,then me and syam went to cinema 7 to watch NGANGKUNG while the others went to watch TRON LEGACY. .Waie,MH and her sister was supposed to join me and syam but they came in late. .they didnt miss anything important tho. .the movie was ok, 6/10 and im being generous xD Funny but not THAT funny,i only laughed real hard when i read an address printed on the lorry in the movie. .the address says "kg btg bjuntai",well,i find it funny. .after that we went to perform our zuhur prayers cuz the movie started a minute after the azan so we didnt have time to pray first. .became the imam in the surau and it felt like when i was in PTEK X( our next destination was Dairy Queen. .waie ordered French Vanilla,syam and MH the usual Blizzard Orea,i had Blizzard Maltesers while MH's sister (lets call her EH now) did nt want to have anything for whatever reason,hahah. .so the five of us sat at the table,the boys talked with the boys,and the girls with themselves. .hoho,i cant think of anything to talk about with the girls. .the other boys came and kidnapped Waie from us to go to NBK and play COD 4:Modern Warfare. .so it was the four of us,and there was that awkward silence. .hoho. .MH suggested me to talk of my experience during the interview. .and the nyanyah side of me took control ,breaking the silence. .soon,there was that silence again but EH came to the resque and spoke to me "jln2 eh" and i was like,why didnt i thought of that? Hah. .we walked to the OTHER arcade ( cuz i dnt noe the name,its not uniarcade,its the other one). .i bought 4 tokens confidently,stepped into the karaoke room and was shocked when there was no token slot. .RUPANYAA,i was supposed to tell the people in charge. .hoho. .its $1 per song and i wanted two songs. .i "sang" first. .didnt noe what song to sing so i went for "knock you down" by keri hilson. .it was a DISASTER! ! I sounded soo horrible,i barely rmember the song. .i was so frustrated that i listened and sang a long to the song when i reached home. .a stupid dcision,hahah. .then the Hs sang "Fearless" by taylor swift. .they sounded good,WAAAYY better than i did. . Hahah. .still having the tokens,we used it to shoot hoops. .it was time for the Hs to go home so its bye2 time. .me and syam went to the surau again to perform asar prayer. .we met the others at the fun donut (Waie's treat xD) before we were off to home. .and that was it. .hahah. .i had fun today. .and tomorrow kan main badminton! Yehee~ mana racquet ku aah?hoho,minjam ja dri c syam. .ookie assalamualaikum n peace~

Friday, December 17, 2010


Assalamualaikum and happy saturday! !today im feeling like english baybaay~ ookie. .it seems that as i grow older,the way i see things keep changing and changing due to exposures to different information and opinions. .and now,thanks to THE CHALLENGER,i now see marriage in a different way,the correct way. .when i was younger,i used to think that before two people can become boyfrens and girlfrens,they shud REALLY know each other,the purpose is to insure long lasting relationship,i thought i was clever,hahah. .then after years passed i discovered that when the two people become a couple,THAT is the time for them to really get to know each other,not before,this is for better understanding of each other because people act differently to friends and to that special someone. .so if she or he is too manja for example or too jealousy type and you dont like that,you can just dump him/her and you'd SAVE ur time getting to "know" him/her because u get to move on earlier,not like my first way of seeing the case. .if u like him/her,get engaged and get married! !to me this WAS the most logical point of view. .after a couple of years,i became more serious about relationship and marriage and was DESPERATE to have a relationship soon. .but i didnt know if its the right thing to do. .i mean,will it last til i get married and so on? ?and i also heard about the NO GF-BF IN ISLAM but tend to ignore it,wasnt a big deal to me. .i wrote about the problem on my blog. .and THE CHALLENGER responded. .he/she told me that i shouldnt have a bf-gf relationship,due to Islamic teachings and that i should do more reading. .and i DID. .i googled ISLAMIC RELATIONSHIP and found a site. .the article was ENDLESS! !hahah,didnt finish half way and i was CONVINCED! ! Marriage,is special. .it is when people get married that they get to know each other. .not before bf-gf,not after bf-gf,but AFTER MARRIAGE. .marriage is the time that we should experience the excitement and happiness spending time with a special someone,if u have spent time with that someone before you get married,then it makes the marriage less special. .so all i have to do now,is wait til i get old enough to marry ( 25 ? ? ) and when i like someone just go tell my parents yang aku bkenan,hahaha. .but then a few questions popped in my head "who in the world in this modern days would accept me as her husband when she doesnt know me that much?" and i got the answer right away,my answer to the question was,MY JODOH! ! the next question was "how'd u noe if shes the type of girl u like when i only know a lil bit bout her ? " and my answer to that was,I believe that a good person shall be jodoh-ed ( xp ) with a good person as the challenger mentioned,so all i gotta do is be a good person,hehe. .I smiled to my self as the answers i have been looking for has came to me. .and i think this is also the reason it never worked out for me and the girls i liked,its so that MY MARRIAGE would be SPECIAL. .so for now,i'll just sit back,relax and enjoy the show. .hahaha. .til next time people,assalamualaikum and peace! !

Special thanks to THE CHALLENGER XD

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Aham aham

Wadap mai' ( urg2nya nganya phm ne xp ) ? ? Assalamualaikuuum. .ari ne aku bmood kn blogging kai bhasa mlayu. .mlayu brunei plang tu,mun mlayu standard kapisan x eh,lagi handal englishku dri bhasa mlayu.hoho. .anu bah,apath kamu?cuti aah? Siuk kh so far? krja kmu udaah? Aku lum plang krja,but aku start krja 3rd january time school reopen sal parentsku suruh. .arah pija hat saja ahh. .aku mau buat pija,but nda kna bge position atu,sbr sja,n bsyukur aku dpt krja. .hehe. .so since aku blum krja,nadakn ku buat bnrnya,kburinganku,aku ane kn mau main2 photoshop,handalkn lge,but pcku rusak,bth dh. .grapik card drivernya rusak bh. .aish,bleh plang mseh d pkai but sakit mata bh mlyat screen aah,colournya 4 bit x nganya. .hoho. .phm kmu kh?hahaha. .tpi at least dpt mseh ku buat beats and dgr lagu,baik jua mataku dpt adapt,bsyukuur,alhamdulillah. . .eath,tiap2 hari yg ku buat,mkn mnum (kcuali ari ane psl puasa xp) ,lyat tv,b facebook (nda dpt tinggal ne),msn,dgr lagu,buat lagu and beats,tiduur. . .jgn kn blurus,ofkos aku bnafas. . .awuu,smbyangkuu. .awu,sudah ku bwudhu. . .awuu,mandi jua. .knapa aku rsa mcm aku ckp sorang diri?hoho,eath ne pasal aku kburingan n nada dgn chill. . .slalunya main game plangku ne mun kburingan tpi ntaah,mcm nda lagi siuk bh video game ane,mcm ilang minat ku sdh. .apath tu?timbak2,tumbuk2,nda jua siuk! !hoho. .siuk plang. .tpi ntaah. .apakan. .rindu plangku kn blajar. .ekseeen~ nadaku rindu! Aku rindukn jln2 mkn2 n chill2 dgn kwn dskulah atu. .byk wh tu knangan d sana,hoho. .psl lagu,aku still kn mcari melody yg lawa n ssuai,pyh wah,aku kn buat lagu psl time2 dskulah atu. .blum ada inspirasi wah utk musicnya ane,cmanakn mbuat liriknya ne?apane apane. .hmm. .aku kn buat plan utk cuti ane. .awal ane lah ku buat aah. .bleh kaan?bleh lh ane blog ku. .hmm. .apa aah. .ok,kiranya aku krja part time,4 jam krja. .yg labihnya. .utk buat lagu,be fb,and satu lage yg pnting bgeku,aku mau readykn utk jdi seorang suami/bapa. .soo,aku kn try kuatkn iman,hafalkn tia x doa2 yg pnting2 atu,handalkn tia bca Quran atu. .pas2 aku mau jdi urg yg lbih pnyabar n pnyayang,so aku kn rapatkn lagi hubunganku dgn family ku. .pas2 aku mau blajar mmasak,hehe,pnting ne bgeku. .wlaupun aku laki2,hehe. .so nanti aku bleh masak dgn bne ku,hohoho *angan2* ada2 sja. .so,ckup x tu aah,masa atu?klau usulnya byk masa blabih,aku kn jadi full time a.k.a 8 jam. .advantagenya mun full time dpt mkanan pija hut free xp eh,awu,aku krja d pija hut mall,so nanti lawat2 sja ahh,haha. .mun kmu nmpak laki hensem rmbut afro eath udh tu xp hahaha. .satu g kn ku buat time cuti ane mfitkn bdn. .so mun time pagi2 jogging th ku tuu. .nda plang tiap2 hari. .hehe,n aku kn work out lage,after k singapore atu,tinggal waah work out ahh,huhu. .and uh,aku kn blajar driving kreta lge,haha. .nda g bth 18 x aaah. .8 bulan,bth kh tu?ntahlah. .haha. .and aku kn spend time lge dgn kwn2ku yg trsayang. .hahah,byk kn ku buat ane. . .tbuat kh ku nda ne. .hehehe. .bh,smpai cne sja x aah. .2 jam lbih g kn sungkai,woh0o!hahah,nda plangku lapar bnr. .bh bh. .nda jua jdi brnti ne krg. .ookie,assalamualaikum n peace! .] *emoticon unique yg urg2nya ngnya tau xp*

Monday, December 13, 2010

Advantages of me having a relationship now

Halu halu,assalamualaikum. .i told you i'd do this post as a comeback to the emo post i wrote about the disadvantages of me having a relationship now. .what? U havent read that post? Go read it,its awesome ! ( sense the sarcasm? ) hua hua hua. .ok lets start xD

lets start with the case about me not being ready. .ok. .lets compare marriage as having a driving licence. .the relationship being the car. .so if u can have the car before u even have the licence,aka ur not ready to drive. .so that means u can have a relationship even if ur not redy for marriage. .but u have to have commitment,take driving lessons,get ready. .
Next,will it last? Who knows?if theres a deep hole on the ground,u cant see whats down there,u dnt noe how deep it is. .so the only to find out how deep the hole is,is to jump down. . .unless ur scaaaared~ so u dnt know long it'll last,give it try. .if it doesnt work out,start from the beginning. .what im saying is that its worth trying. .its not like ur gonna die trying. .ur gonna get hurt but for me,its worth the risk,hahaha. .since this is about me,u cant disagree xp
next~ yes i have my family n my friends BUUUUT~ spending time with that special someone is a very different experience. .hehe,its like taking marijuana but ur addicted to coccaine. .does that make any sense?ntah lah. .
Next next! Aaah,theres a BETTER WAY to get those i succeeded. . .but but will i do those OTHER ways? Hahaha. .
Next next,apa lage? Bring it on!aah,about WASTING time and all? Its not a waste actually. .its part of learning. .learnt how to think and make decisions,learnt reasoning,learnt how to distract my self from being nervous,and blogging is SO not a waste of time! !helps me release tension,and its a good finger exercise,hahaha
next next! !eh,abis tia?hoho. .so aku add ja advantagesnya aah. . .the say the first time is the hardest. .if i have a relationship now and it doesnt work out well,i'll be more experienced and it wont hurt me much next time. .if it works out well,ALHAMDULILLAH,HAHAHA. .its a win win! !menang menang! !apakn. .lalalala. .apa lage ah? ? Having a relationship now is like having anything else,it has advantages and disadvantages,if u noe how to work with it,it'll have lots of good effects on u,its all about being smart. .am i smart? Yes yes i think so? So i can have a relationship now? Yes yes i think so :) No more Mr.emo? Yes Yes i think so xD HUA HUA HUA. .apakan. .ookie thats all~ ada yg kn mcabar my argument? ?post ja pat cbox ,hoho. .bh,assalamualaikum and peace~

Friday, December 10, 2010


Hello blog! ! Assalamualaikum. .do u miss me? No? Why noot? Eish. .well i miss u,bth sdh nda blogging x aah. .anyway. .im BAAAACK in Brunei ~ tadi bru smpai kul 3:20. .then sdh tu pkul 7:30 arah urg bbadak tia. .nada reeehat. .huhu. .anyway,Singapore was AWESOME! !it was fun bah,altho tiring. .hehe. .at last,i bought toys! !bth dh nada bali mainan,hahah. .nerf plang sja ku bli,hehe. .i bought three nerf blasters!huahuahua bcuz im greedy. . Lalala. .i was in singapore for 9 days,did a lot of things with my family,like having breakfast together,having lunch together,having dinner together,having supper together and much2 more like drinking coke together,drinking tea together we even drank mineral water together! ! !isnt that AMAZING? ? Juuuust kidding. .we stayed at the grand park orchard hotel. .the first two days we went shopping,bought some clothes fo me self. .the 3rd day we went to snow city and the science cntre,it was fun! !and we went to the night safari and i went to the fish spa! ! Siuk! ! dnt rmember when. .then we transfred to the festive hotel in sentosa. .my dad liked the room bcuz it has a balcony so he didnt have to go downstairs to smoke xD the next day we went to the universal studios! ! And i had my first rollercoaster ride which i wasnt expecting. .i was queuing for a ride which i did not noe what,after like 20 mins of queuing,i saw a sign "WARNING,THIS IS A HIGH SPEED ROLLERCOASTER bla bla bla" and i was like WHAAAT? ? ! ! It was fun tho. .i screamed hystarically like a girl in a justin bieber concert. .im just glad the ride didnt last long. .hehe. .i strangled frankenstein! ! And i saw cleopatra,and fortunately she didnt see me or else she'd be with me right now n i cant blog. .i ate a burger! ! Dnt see anythng intrsting about that? Yeah me too. .anyway i did a lot of things there and bout a few souvenirs,cool pens! !the next day we went shopping again. .the next day we went skyriding,luge and segway something and ntah mcm2 activity. .we also went to the underwater world where we saw pink dolphins performing tricks and where i saw cool marine creatures! ! Yippee! ! Then we went back to grand park orchard. .pastu shop shop shop esuknya. .esuknya lge time to go home but smpat g shopping skajap d airport,hahaha. . .we ate a lot of fast food d singapore atu cuz byk tmpat nda halal. .tpi nyaman usulnya,bri bnci. .and i did not see any MH,only cute women. .yes,women,not girls,women. .hehe. .im tired now,i wanna sleep. .soo,gud bye! !assalamualaikum! This is a rush post,have mercy xD

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Assalamualaikum n hello~ im at airport now. .gonna be at singapore for about 9 days. .its been a long time since i went somewhere else besides miri and kk. .hahah. .i rmember the last time i went to singapore but the memory is kinda blurred bcuz i was still very little. .i hope everythings gonna go fine now,i dnt want no trouble. .hehe. .today im feelin better than yesterday and waaay better than yestrday's ystrday. .imagine having a fever,diarrhoea,and having that about to vomit feeling. .it was bad. .but i am grateful. .we have to be grateful for everything. .i mean,i was only sick like for 3 days. .imagine ur feelin like that ALL the time. .or imagine ur sick on a very important day. .sure,i was supposed to train at pizza hut that day (ohh yeah didnt tell u bout this xD) but its better than me being sick while in singapore,how am i supposed to enjoy it?haha. .anyway,i just rmembered that we're not supposed to bring sharp items and just realised i got my geometry set in my bag!bcuz its the same bag that i use fo skool. .it reminded me of skool,i rely miss it. .hmm. .now im just waitin for the time to get on the plane. .hehe. .btw,dnt worry about the post below,it was just the other side of me,the bad,the sad,the pessimist,but clever side of me. .but not clever enough as i can beat his speech. .huahua. .but thats for another post xD OOkay,i think thats all for now,im sory if this post is kind of a rush,hehe,it gnna miss brunei,my room,nasi katok n etc. .okay,assalamualaikum n peace~