Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Assalamualaikum n hello~ im at airport now. .gonna be at singapore for about 9 days. .its been a long time since i went somewhere else besides miri and kk. .hahah. .i rmember the last time i went to singapore but the memory is kinda blurred bcuz i was still very little. .i hope everythings gonna go fine now,i dnt want no trouble. .hehe. .today im feelin better than yesterday and waaay better than yestrday's ystrday. .imagine having a fever,diarrhoea,and having that about to vomit feeling. .it was bad. .but i am grateful. .we have to be grateful for everything. .i mean,i was only sick like for 3 days. .imagine ur feelin like that ALL the time. .or imagine ur sick on a very important day. .sure,i was supposed to train at pizza hut that day (ohh yeah didnt tell u bout this xD) but its better than me being sick while in singapore,how am i supposed to enjoy it?haha. .anyway,i just rmembered that we're not supposed to bring sharp items and just realised i got my geometry set in my bag!bcuz its the same bag that i use fo skool. .it reminded me of skool,i rely miss it. .hmm. .now im just waitin for the time to get on the plane. .hehe. .btw,dnt worry about the post below,it was just the other side of me,the bad,the sad,the pessimist,but clever side of me. .but not clever enough as i can beat his speech. .huahua. .but thats for another post xD OOkay,i think thats all for now,im sory if this post is kind of a rush,hehe,it gnna miss brunei,my room,nasi katok n etc. .okay,assalamualaikum n peace~

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