Friday, December 17, 2010


Assalamualaikum and happy saturday! !today im feeling like english baybaay~ ookie. .it seems that as i grow older,the way i see things keep changing and changing due to exposures to different information and opinions. .and now,thanks to THE CHALLENGER,i now see marriage in a different way,the correct way. .when i was younger,i used to think that before two people can become boyfrens and girlfrens,they shud REALLY know each other,the purpose is to insure long lasting relationship,i thought i was clever,hahah. .then after years passed i discovered that when the two people become a couple,THAT is the time for them to really get to know each other,not before,this is for better understanding of each other because people act differently to friends and to that special someone. .so if she or he is too manja for example or too jealousy type and you dont like that,you can just dump him/her and you'd SAVE ur time getting to "know" him/her because u get to move on earlier,not like my first way of seeing the case. .if u like him/her,get engaged and get married! !to me this WAS the most logical point of view. .after a couple of years,i became more serious about relationship and marriage and was DESPERATE to have a relationship soon. .but i didnt know if its the right thing to do. .i mean,will it last til i get married and so on? ?and i also heard about the NO GF-BF IN ISLAM but tend to ignore it,wasnt a big deal to me. .i wrote about the problem on my blog. .and THE CHALLENGER responded. .he/she told me that i shouldnt have a bf-gf relationship,due to Islamic teachings and that i should do more reading. .and i DID. .i googled ISLAMIC RELATIONSHIP and found a site. .the article was ENDLESS! !hahah,didnt finish half way and i was CONVINCED! ! Marriage,is special. .it is when people get married that they get to know each other. .not before bf-gf,not after bf-gf,but AFTER MARRIAGE. .marriage is the time that we should experience the excitement and happiness spending time with a special someone,if u have spent time with that someone before you get married,then it makes the marriage less special. .so all i have to do now,is wait til i get old enough to marry ( 25 ? ? ) and when i like someone just go tell my parents yang aku bkenan,hahaha. .but then a few questions popped in my head "who in the world in this modern days would accept me as her husband when she doesnt know me that much?" and i got the answer right away,my answer to the question was,MY JODOH! ! the next question was "how'd u noe if shes the type of girl u like when i only know a lil bit bout her ? " and my answer to that was,I believe that a good person shall be jodoh-ed ( xp ) with a good person as the challenger mentioned,so all i gotta do is be a good person,hehe. .I smiled to my self as the answers i have been looking for has came to me. .and i think this is also the reason it never worked out for me and the girls i liked,its so that MY MARRIAGE would be SPECIAL. .so for now,i'll just sit back,relax and enjoy the show. .hahaha. .til next time people,assalamualaikum and peace! !

Special thanks to THE CHALLENGER XD

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