Friday, December 10, 2010


Hello blog! ! Assalamualaikum. .do u miss me? No? Why noot? Eish. .well i miss u,bth sdh nda blogging x aah. .anyway. .im BAAAACK in Brunei ~ tadi bru smpai kul 3:20. .then sdh tu pkul 7:30 arah urg bbadak tia. .nada reeehat. .huhu. .anyway,Singapore was AWESOME! !it was fun bah,altho tiring. .hehe. .at last,i bought toys! !bth dh nada bali mainan,hahah. .nerf plang sja ku bli,hehe. .i bought three nerf blasters!huahuahua bcuz im greedy. . Lalala. .i was in singapore for 9 days,did a lot of things with my family,like having breakfast together,having lunch together,having dinner together,having supper together and much2 more like drinking coke together,drinking tea together we even drank mineral water together! ! !isnt that AMAZING? ? Juuuust kidding. .we stayed at the grand park orchard hotel. .the first two days we went shopping,bought some clothes fo me self. .the 3rd day we went to snow city and the science cntre,it was fun! !and we went to the night safari and i went to the fish spa! ! Siuk! ! dnt rmember when. .then we transfred to the festive hotel in sentosa. .my dad liked the room bcuz it has a balcony so he didnt have to go downstairs to smoke xD the next day we went to the universal studios! ! And i had my first rollercoaster ride which i wasnt expecting. .i was queuing for a ride which i did not noe what,after like 20 mins of queuing,i saw a sign "WARNING,THIS IS A HIGH SPEED ROLLERCOASTER bla bla bla" and i was like WHAAAT? ? ! ! It was fun tho. .i screamed hystarically like a girl in a justin bieber concert. .im just glad the ride didnt last long. .hehe. .i strangled frankenstein! ! And i saw cleopatra,and fortunately she didnt see me or else she'd be with me right now n i cant blog. .i ate a burger! ! Dnt see anythng intrsting about that? Yeah me too. .anyway i did a lot of things there and bout a few souvenirs,cool pens! !the next day we went shopping again. .the next day we went skyriding,luge and segway something and ntah mcm2 activity. .we also went to the underwater world where we saw pink dolphins performing tricks and where i saw cool marine creatures! ! Yippee! ! Then we went back to grand park orchard. .pastu shop shop shop esuknya. .esuknya lge time to go home but smpat g shopping skajap d airport,hahaha. . .we ate a lot of fast food d singapore atu cuz byk tmpat nda halal. .tpi nyaman usulnya,bri bnci. .and i did not see any MH,only cute women. .yes,women,not girls,women. .hehe. .im tired now,i wanna sleep. .soo,gud bye! !assalamualaikum! This is a rush post,have mercy xD

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