Monday, December 13, 2010

Advantages of me having a relationship now

Halu halu,assalamualaikum. .i told you i'd do this post as a comeback to the emo post i wrote about the disadvantages of me having a relationship now. .what? U havent read that post? Go read it,its awesome ! ( sense the sarcasm? ) hua hua hua. .ok lets start xD

lets start with the case about me not being ready. .ok. .lets compare marriage as having a driving licence. .the relationship being the car. .so if u can have the car before u even have the licence,aka ur not ready to drive. .so that means u can have a relationship even if ur not redy for marriage. .but u have to have commitment,take driving lessons,get ready. .
Next,will it last? Who knows?if theres a deep hole on the ground,u cant see whats down there,u dnt noe how deep it is. .so the only to find out how deep the hole is,is to jump down. . .unless ur scaaaared~ so u dnt know long it'll last,give it try. .if it doesnt work out,start from the beginning. .what im saying is that its worth trying. .its not like ur gonna die trying. .ur gonna get hurt but for me,its worth the risk,hahaha. .since this is about me,u cant disagree xp
next~ yes i have my family n my friends BUUUUT~ spending time with that special someone is a very different experience. .hehe,its like taking marijuana but ur addicted to coccaine. .does that make any sense?ntah lah. .
Next next! Aaah,theres a BETTER WAY to get those i succeeded. . .but but will i do those OTHER ways? Hahaha. .
Next next,apa lage? Bring it on!aah,about WASTING time and all? Its not a waste actually. .its part of learning. .learnt how to think and make decisions,learnt reasoning,learnt how to distract my self from being nervous,and blogging is SO not a waste of time! !helps me release tension,and its a good finger exercise,hahaha
next next! !eh,abis tia?hoho. .so aku add ja advantagesnya aah. . .the say the first time is the hardest. .if i have a relationship now and it doesnt work out well,i'll be more experienced and it wont hurt me much next time. .if it works out well,ALHAMDULILLAH,HAHAHA. .its a win win! !menang menang! !apakn. .lalalala. .apa lage ah? ? Having a relationship now is like having anything else,it has advantages and disadvantages,if u noe how to work with it,it'll have lots of good effects on u,its all about being smart. .am i smart? Yes yes i think so? So i can have a relationship now? Yes yes i think so :) No more Mr.emo? Yes Yes i think so xD HUA HUA HUA. .apakan. .ookie thats all~ ada yg kn mcabar my argument? ?post ja pat cbox ,hoho. .bh,assalamualaikum and peace~

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