Wednesday, September 29, 2010


It seems that my friend are not satisfied with my ATTITUDE. .they be like "kau ane pau mun blajar cmane tapi udah kluar rsult priksa. . .cmanakn tu?" basically they dont think that i work hard enough,but i got good grades. .a part of me was offended,another part felt guilty. .maybe its the way i study is effective?maybe i work SMART. .not HARD. .maybe its the prayers of the people for me. .or my prayers back when i was a little kid. .or my NAME which means TRIUMPH! !anyway. .from now on i'll try to work HARDER while keep using the study method i usually use. .which is no secret actually. .read thru syllabus cover and understand everything. .make own notes. .make list of definitions and formulae. .if have time do pyp. .thats all! Hehe. .ok,til next time,assalamualaikum and peace! !

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hello,this is a just a summary(not even a finished summary) xD Sory im too lazy to finish the actual "article". .so,hope u enjoy this,hehe

How to win in an argument(esp wit frens bcuz its soo fun!). .

1.Knowledge. .u need to know a LOT about the topic OR u have to know BETTER about the certain topic than ur opponent.
2.Speed. .u need to be fast,if u know a LOT but u cant spit it out fast enough ur gonna get STUNNED by ur opponent and LOSE.u'll have to get used to thinking fast. .
3. Support. .sometimes u got a friend around you,u have to know HOW to gain his really depends on ur luck there are several techniques i use.stand next to the friend and face the opponent so the friend feels like his own YOUR side.Show CONFIDENCE by using a professional happy type of tone,i dnt noe how to call it.Try to be FUNNY,friends tend to support the more fun side. Talk LOUD and CLEAR enough so the friend can hear u
4. FOCUS. .U must LISTEN to what ur opponent is saying. .try to get into every detail,capture every single mistake he/she makes. .so u can come up with a comeback. .
5. PROVE. .give proof to what ur saying by giving examples. .this is VERY POWERFUL.
6. DO NOT be angry,smile always,it shows that ur calm and confident.believe me,even if u lose,u'd be ok. .
7. Risky but try to talk of another topic,and try to relate the new topic to the original. .so that u'll have a better chance of winning.
What to do when u realize ur about to lose.
1.accept it,learn this so u won't be ANGRY later and hurt people
2.try to neutralise,so that no one this by saying that non of the side is REALLY correct,theres something better.

Hehe,hope u find it useful. .assalamualaikum n peace. .

Monday, September 27, 2010


So im trynna forget her but let me tell ya sumthn,hehe. .last week i was in a school "surau". .there are informative notes sticked to the wall. .well i read some of it and came across this : "Kecantikan seorang lelaki . . 1. Tidak putus asa. ." something lyk that. .is that supposed to be a clue?so i was reconsidering whther or nt to keep HOPING. .but i may end up being called PEMAJAL. .hahah. .crazy. .but im just gnna go with the flow,like i always did,and things always end up nicely. .aku rasa. . .hahah. . oryt,assalamualaikum and peace! !

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

EEeEe~ ! !

I dnt undrstand. .i thought i got over it. .i thought i'd forgotten her. .but it seems that ive been tricked by my self. .seeing her today didnt help at all. .makes me go "eeEEe! !"(excited state,if ur nt sure how it sounds just ring me). .she wore a baju kurong with colours of white,blue,purple and maybe some other colour that i failed to notice. .she had a black tudong on. .her shoes?i did not look because i was preoccupied with her warm caramel eyes,her set of perfectly aligned pearl white teeth(unlike mine,huahuahua) that shows when she smiled her perfect smile and the tiny dots (which i do not know what exactly) on different parts of her face that makes her more appealing. . .to me. .tho i saw her quite a few times today,i only talked to her once (syukuuur). .i wanted to talk to her EVERYtime i see her but,that wudnt be cool,hehe,people need space. .i also WANT to text her but i hv to avoid doing that because theres a limit to what i can do in this situation. . .n0o0o~ why are the people i like always taken? ? Or Why do i like girls who are taken? ? I rmember when i thot she was 'available' i was soo. .high? ? Hahah,good times. . I dnt noe why i dare to write about her again,i mean she COULD READ this. .i love typing in captal letters xp. .well if theres something i want to say to her its "SORRY~". .and uh sorry guys if ur expectin for the "HOW TO WIN IN AN ARGUMENT" post. .i already did 80% of it. .i'll post it soon,i think(or my version of "aku rasa. ."). .uhm,so i think this is the end of it,assalamualaikum and peace!

Friday, September 17, 2010


I feel like this blog is gettin boring. .why?pms. .wait,im a dude. .nevrmind. .soo. .im trying to make this post a lil bit different,hehe. .y know,since i was a kid,i was always jealous of the people who makes people laugh. .and so i did a study and im about to share u the techniques i found which can be used in Brunei xD =

1.Exaggeration. "gila bebau jua kau smpai tshut down idungku"
2.RUPANYA/PADAHAL/EKSIN TIA . "eh gay jua justin bieber ane,whoo!" "eksin tia pdhal dbliknya abis brakat poster jb arah dinding ah" this can be used to 'punch' sumone,hehe. .and the ARGUEMENT will start.
3.BELURUS. . "makan lagi wah" "nda eh,parutku mana sama mcm parutmu!" "ofcoz lah nda sama,ndakn sama x,jauh bezanya" "eawah brapa kilometer jauhnya ah?". .this may be the end to the 'talk' but i would say " kira tia ulehmu " andd,the people wud laugh,hopefully. .
4.Impression. .u act lyk ur somebody else,and basically make fun of em. .it doesnt have to be someone real,the person cud be fictional. .i used act as my math teacher and laughed with my friend. .aaaaand we failed the test xp lesson learned
5.comparison. .aah,this one is common. .u can compare a person to something UNEXPECTED so it would make an impact,like "wow cute jua muamu ane mcm kucing" vs "wow cute jua muamu ane mcm mickey mouse" . .so u can joke AND flatter at the same time,2in1. .Hehe
these arent the only techniques,theres a LOT rely. .i just dnt noe how to explain or maybe im just too lazy,SORRY. .

you know what?i think this post is stupid. .hahah,i mean WHO AM I to even talk about this. .im nt lyk a super duper funny dude or wat so eva. .hmm. .anyway,lets just continue xp

soo. .ANYBODY can be funny,u dnt need to know those techniques. .All you need is creativity,a lil bit of insensitivity,confidence. .aaand know when to joke which kind of joke and to different type of people. .and if the joke is FUNNY or LAME,the people is the judge. .what i usually do is,when someone says something,theres a lot of things that pop in my thoughts and if i find something funny and appropriate i would spit it out. .its simple. .its just a matter of trial n error. .experiment with the people,no u dnt need to have a lab. .

So. .i think this is it for now,i hope u find it useful. .hehe. .next time i'd do a post on HOW TO WIN IN AN ARGUMENT. .aah,this wud b more intrsting and something i know more about and good at. .ok,assalamualaikum and peace xD

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Saja saja

If romance is not necessary
why do i feel lyk its a must
if i cant believe me
then who is there to trust
i cant understand my self
i dont share the same language with my heart
You can read all the books on your shelves
but you will not decipher even if you try so hard
i have seen through million eyes
and i have read them right
but now the real words are a million miles
because i cant believe my sight
no,not any more

AAAAPAKAAAN. .nada yo,buang buring. .nda phm kau ane. .bh,assalamualaikum,peace

Aaa. .

Assalamualaikum and Hellow~~ ive been trying to write sumthn on this blog but i just dnt noe what to write/type xp. .i wrote a few things and dcided nt to post it in the end,hahah. .school holiday is coming to an end. .i kinda miss school,no,ah,actually,the people in the school,hehe. .i miss my friends and teachers. .i also miss to wear the school uniform. .i miss studying!at school xp . .studyn at school aint the same as studyn @ home. .i aah,rely dnt noe what to write,i just feel lyk blogging,hehe. .ok,see u soon. .assalamualaikum n peace

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Today is the 3rd of Syawal in Brunei. .i have not been to most of my relatives. .and i have a LOT of relatives. .hmm. .ah,about the song i was talking bout,i have NOT been working on it,sorry! I have too much to do,but smehow managed to blog and check my facebook xp xp soo,i think its gnna take awhile before i actually work on it. .hehe. .last friday,i was at my cousin's house and i saw this girl that i dnt noe. .quite average but i dnt know why i was ATTRACTED to her. .maybe its her smile. .i dnt noe. .huhu. .btw,i still get my ANGPAU! !hahahah. .means im still young! Xp i cud use a lil bit of money to build my studio! ! Yesh! ! Im talking bout random things now cuz i dnt noe what to post. .hehe. .regarding the upcoming exam,i have NOT been studying. .why do i feel lyk i have not been doing anything useful. .i mean,its nt playtime anymore,im aware,but i tend to ignore. .huh. .and one more thing,i have decided to buy an xbox360 after my a levels. .yea! ! And a les paul guitar! ! And an audio interface,a shure 58 mic and a good headphone for my studio! ! I wish everything wud go as planned,amin! ! I have been planning to start a LAWN MOWING business. .my father doesnt think we(me and my friends) wud be succesful,but wat the 'b'ell,lets just give it a try,hehe. .i have high hopes for this ! !hehe,think we cud make around $60 a day and still have time to relax! !haha,imagine this. .wakin up early in the morning. .at 7 o clock we go off to work. .2 hours for each house. .7-10. 10-12. .lunch. .2-4. . After that we can play xbox360! ! Xp xp isnt life simple?haha. .okay,til next time! ! Assalamualaikum and peace!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No post so far

Sorry. .been bz. .but soon i'll post a draft lyric for a song that i have not even think of yet. .it will be based on personal experience,as usual~i dnt noe wat the mood of the song would be like,depends on my. .mood? ?but i'll work on it if i have time and if im not 'lazy'(because writing lyrics means im not studying a.k.a being lazy)hahahah. .insyALLAH. .Sorry again! !assalamualaikum , peace. .

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Capers(pasta n pizzeria) - a review by fauzan

Me and my friends went to have our sungkai yesterday at the Capers in kiulap. .i heard a lot of good things about the restaurant so i had my expectations. .we arrived as early as 5.30 and upon entering the restaurant i had a good feeling about it. .the tiles are the classic white and black,in the middle of the room is the 'kitchen',i cud the see cook working on the pizza.i love the smell of the place,i felt lyk i was somewhere out of brunei. . So the 'receptionist' who is also the waitress asked if we made a reservation.i said yes ,'ak md safwan'..i repeated several times before she went to check on the book(?) . .she ushered us to our table. .

being my first time there,i wasnt sure about how the buffet work,neither did my friends so i asked for some help from the waitress. .after i understand it all,i asked if there is a certain pizza topping she'd like to recommend. .she didnt understand and kept saying that i can pick any topping i want. .and i was like 'ohh ok ok'. .i ordered watermelon freeze,bcuz they only give ONE glass of bandung for the buffet. .quite greedy. .i mean,a constant refill of mineral water wudve been fine! !

At around 6.15,i went to get some pizzas,my friends was staring at me as if i was doing something wrong,ignored them. .so i took a slice and slid it onto my plate. .i misplaced the 'something used to pick up the pizzas' and it fell to the ground,the waitress saw me,picked it up and said 'HAaih!',i was shocked she did that,it was rude,and i was a customer,she shudnt do that,lucky for her i was fasting,i noe i was wrong but still. .another thing i realised was that NON of the waitress was smiling. .hmm. .took a couple of slices and went to my table,went to get some pasta and went back to my table. .

Ok. .They KNEW we were fasting but i cant here the radio or tv bcuz the music overpowered them! !so i HAD to use my phone's radio. .stupid. .the time to break our fast came at last and i didnt see any DATE(kurma,tamar) served. .my first time in this year,breaking my fast without a date. .so i started with the bandung. .took a bite of the pizza,i liked the sauce but the base,not really,it was too hard. .i need to use a lot of force to break my bite off. .i didnt like the psta and regretted taking a lot of it. . .i ate by force. .back to the pizza,3 slices,gone!still hungry! Soo now,i was supposed to wait for the pizza to be cooked. .i waited. . .and waited. , . .aaand waiteddd. . .arghhh! !taking so long! !so i just ate the spaghetti,it was so so. .other restaurants serve BETTER spaghetti. .i ordered lasagna and 5 minutes later the pizzas there! !but i have to be quick or i wont get any. .i succeeded to get a couple,and on the tray there was only one left. .OMG,waited like 15 minutes and this is all they got. .after another 10 minutes WAITING,i asked the waitress if my lasagna is done,she said she'd check. .she never came back to say anything,she mustve FORGOT my order,5-10 minutes later my lasagna came. .very small portion,waited that long. .and that is when i said to my self i will NEVER go to Capers again for a buffet,but ala carte wud be fine. .the lasagna was quite gud,too bad i had to share that small portion with my friend,we expcted it to be in a bigger portion. .

So i paid $20. .$14.80 for the buffet,$3.50 for the drink,the extra is a collection bcuz some of our friend didnt come the restaurant charged a FULL $14.80 for each prson absent. .

Overall i think that $14.80 is an ok price. .u just need to know WHAT u want and order EARLY! !and u'd be fine. .i want to go there again for a buffet and order two pizzas just for my self,EARLY. .then i wont have to WAIT. .haha,then that $14.80 wud be considered VERY CHEAP! !hahah,i love my tummy,its just soo 'fit'. .i mean 6 to 8 slices are nothing! !i give the restaurant a 3.5/5. .most of the turn downs are because of the service. .if u hvnt been there,check it out!

Ok,thats all for now,assalamualaikum and peace!

Friday, September 3, 2010


Assalamualaikum and hello~

As ya'll know if you have read my earlier posts,MH is already taken,i was too late,too late,and theres nothin i cud do about it.So i hv decided to press the 'start' button on my joystick,press 'abort mission','aborting mission (yes/no) ' press yes. . GAME OVERRR~ ~ by doin this,i feel like theres a wall now between me and her and i dont like that,stupid wall. .so to break that wall i need to do somethin,and what i did was,i told her EVERYTHING! ! And she was cool about it,yea~ and that wall is gone! And i had a vision! ! I dnt noe why i keep seeing things but now i see me and her,having fun together,we were FRIENDS! ! I mean, shes not just someone i just greet when she passes by,but someone i really know. .

Amm,i wanna take this oppoturtinity to say i few things to ya'll. .To all of u who have been supporting me,THANK YOU! I really appreciate it. .thanks for the advices,thanks for the motivation and thank u for being there fo me,u guys are the BEST! ! And i also want to thank MH,you taught me a lot of things throughout this mission. .and i thank God for this gift. .here are the list of the people who i give my most appreciation to:

Arif Hamizan - trima kseh yo,kau th urg prtama yg tau psl MH and kau th urg yg mn spoil kn,hahaha. .trima kseh psl sanggup mdgr crita2 ku yg nda brapa siuk atu and thank u sal mbge byk nasihat! Thank u,p/s: NH2! ! ! Xp

Amirul Hisyam Suhaili - assalamualaikum syam. .aah,malasku mnaip eh,bca sja yg ku tulis arah c arif ah,bezanya nganya kau urg kdua tau,and kau nda mspoil kn,hahaha. .

Muiz Mohaimin - trima kseh yo m support aku all the way til msa ne. . Aku mseh g support kau ne,u CAN DO IT! ! Haha.

Hafizul Hakim,Herzan Farahy,Haziq bkaca mata - Arigatou!thanks aah kmu. .psl kmu ktawa mdgr jokes ku,hahaha,apakn. .thanks lah fo everything!mcm blik2 apa yg ku ckp ane,haha.

Zaki Asnan - terima kaseh,AFADEEYYY! ! Hahah,i wish u all the best! !

MH - For making me experience a new thing in life. .for making me smile. .fo making me do things i neva did before,Thank U!hehe. .and for telling me eyes are beautiful?first time ku mdgr tu yo,haha.

Wani - wlaupun last minitku mcritakan,thanks jua,hahaha

drake,kanye west,kid cudi,lil wayne,maher zain - thanks fo accompanying me whereva i go.hehe.

Mentos and Kiss prisa cherry - thanks for being there when i dnt feel confident with my breath,hahah.

The others yg aku nda mntion o lupa mntion - sorry,nda tebuat nama kamu,but Syukran!Thank u thank u thank u! ! ! Nanti dtg aah tym ku open house *awal*

err,i thinks thats all fo now,haha. .HAPPY HOLIDAY! !jgn kn bcuti sjaa,blajar! Jgn jua kn blajar sja,beraya jgn lupa,sdiakn th angpau $10 utk aku. .mun open house mknannya buttermilk chicken sja,jgn th mcm2.hehe. .btw,aku lupa gtau kamu,MH read this blog,hahah,nda ku tau knapa ku bge jua web addressnya. .haha. .soo,atu sja x ah,assalamualaikum! !and gud bye! !