Friday, September 3, 2010


Assalamualaikum and hello~

As ya'll know if you have read my earlier posts,MH is already taken,i was too late,too late,and theres nothin i cud do about it.So i hv decided to press the 'start' button on my joystick,press 'abort mission','aborting mission (yes/no) ' press yes. . GAME OVERRR~ ~ by doin this,i feel like theres a wall now between me and her and i dont like that,stupid wall. .so to break that wall i need to do somethin,and what i did was,i told her EVERYTHING! ! And she was cool about it,yea~ and that wall is gone! And i had a vision! ! I dnt noe why i keep seeing things but now i see me and her,having fun together,we were FRIENDS! ! I mean, shes not just someone i just greet when she passes by,but someone i really know. .

Amm,i wanna take this oppoturtinity to say i few things to ya'll. .To all of u who have been supporting me,THANK YOU! I really appreciate it. .thanks for the advices,thanks for the motivation and thank u for being there fo me,u guys are the BEST! ! And i also want to thank MH,you taught me a lot of things throughout this mission. .and i thank God for this gift. .here are the list of the people who i give my most appreciation to:

Arif Hamizan - trima kseh yo,kau th urg prtama yg tau psl MH and kau th urg yg mn spoil kn,hahaha. .trima kseh psl sanggup mdgr crita2 ku yg nda brapa siuk atu and thank u sal mbge byk nasihat! Thank u,p/s: NH2! ! ! Xp

Amirul Hisyam Suhaili - assalamualaikum syam. .aah,malasku mnaip eh,bca sja yg ku tulis arah c arif ah,bezanya nganya kau urg kdua tau,and kau nda mspoil kn,hahaha. .

Muiz Mohaimin - trima kseh yo m support aku all the way til msa ne. . Aku mseh g support kau ne,u CAN DO IT! ! Haha.

Hafizul Hakim,Herzan Farahy,Haziq bkaca mata - Arigatou!thanks aah kmu. .psl kmu ktawa mdgr jokes ku,hahaha,apakn. .thanks lah fo everything!mcm blik2 apa yg ku ckp ane,haha.

Zaki Asnan - terima kaseh,AFADEEYYY! ! Hahah,i wish u all the best! !

MH - For making me experience a new thing in life. .for making me smile. .fo making me do things i neva did before,Thank U!hehe. .and for telling me eyes are beautiful?first time ku mdgr tu yo,haha.

Wani - wlaupun last minitku mcritakan,thanks jua,hahaha

drake,kanye west,kid cudi,lil wayne,maher zain - thanks fo accompanying me whereva i go.hehe.

Mentos and Kiss prisa cherry - thanks for being there when i dnt feel confident with my breath,hahah.

The others yg aku nda mntion o lupa mntion - sorry,nda tebuat nama kamu,but Syukran!Thank u thank u thank u! ! ! Nanti dtg aah tym ku open house *awal*

err,i thinks thats all fo now,haha. .HAPPY HOLIDAY! !jgn kn bcuti sjaa,blajar! Jgn jua kn blajar sja,beraya jgn lupa,sdiakn th angpau $10 utk aku. .mun open house mknannya buttermilk chicken sja,jgn th mcm2.hehe. .btw,aku lupa gtau kamu,MH read this blog,hahah,nda ku tau knapa ku bge jua web addressnya. .haha. .soo,atu sja x ah,assalamualaikum! !and gud bye! !

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