Wednesday, September 29, 2010


It seems that my friend are not satisfied with my ATTITUDE. .they be like "kau ane pau mun blajar cmane tapi udah kluar rsult priksa. . .cmanakn tu?" basically they dont think that i work hard enough,but i got good grades. .a part of me was offended,another part felt guilty. .maybe its the way i study is effective?maybe i work SMART. .not HARD. .maybe its the prayers of the people for me. .or my prayers back when i was a little kid. .or my NAME which means TRIUMPH! !anyway. .from now on i'll try to work HARDER while keep using the study method i usually use. .which is no secret actually. .read thru syllabus cover and understand everything. .make own notes. .make list of definitions and formulae. .if have time do pyp. .thats all! Hehe. .ok,til next time,assalamualaikum and peace! !

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