Sunday, September 12, 2010


Today is the 3rd of Syawal in Brunei. .i have not been to most of my relatives. .and i have a LOT of relatives. .hmm. .ah,about the song i was talking bout,i have NOT been working on it,sorry! I have too much to do,but smehow managed to blog and check my facebook xp xp soo,i think its gnna take awhile before i actually work on it. .hehe. .last friday,i was at my cousin's house and i saw this girl that i dnt noe. .quite average but i dnt know why i was ATTRACTED to her. .maybe its her smile. .i dnt noe. .huhu. .btw,i still get my ANGPAU! !hahahah. .means im still young! Xp i cud use a lil bit of money to build my studio! ! Yesh! ! Im talking bout random things now cuz i dnt noe what to post. .hehe. .regarding the upcoming exam,i have NOT been studying. .why do i feel lyk i have not been doing anything useful. .i mean,its nt playtime anymore,im aware,but i tend to ignore. .huh. .and one more thing,i have decided to buy an xbox360 after my a levels. .yea! ! And a les paul guitar! ! And an audio interface,a shure 58 mic and a good headphone for my studio! ! I wish everything wud go as planned,amin! ! I have been planning to start a LAWN MOWING business. .my father doesnt think we(me and my friends) wud be succesful,but wat the 'b'ell,lets just give it a try,hehe. .i have high hopes for this ! !hehe,think we cud make around $60 a day and still have time to relax! !haha,imagine this. .wakin up early in the morning. .at 7 o clock we go off to work. .2 hours for each house. .7-10. 10-12. .lunch. .2-4. . After that we can play xbox360! ! Xp xp isnt life simple?haha. .okay,til next time! ! Assalamualaikum and peace!

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