Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hello,this is a just a summary(not even a finished summary) xD Sory im too lazy to finish the actual "article". .so,hope u enjoy this,hehe

How to win in an argument(esp wit frens bcuz its soo fun!). .

1.Knowledge. .u need to know a LOT about the topic OR u have to know BETTER about the certain topic than ur opponent.
2.Speed. .u need to be fast,if u know a LOT but u cant spit it out fast enough ur gonna get STUNNED by ur opponent and LOSE.u'll have to get used to thinking fast. .
3. Support. .sometimes u got a friend around you,u have to know HOW to gain his support.it really depends on ur luck there are several techniques i use.stand next to the friend and face the opponent so the friend feels like his own YOUR side.Show CONFIDENCE by using a professional happy type of tone,i dnt noe how to call it.Try to be FUNNY,friends tend to support the more fun side. Talk LOUD and CLEAR enough so the friend can hear u
4. FOCUS. .U must LISTEN to what ur opponent is saying. .try to get into every detail,capture every single mistake he/she makes. .so u can come up with a comeback. .
5. PROVE. .give proof to what ur saying by giving examples. .this is VERY POWERFUL.
6. DO NOT be angry,smile always,it shows that ur calm and confident.believe me,even if u lose,u'd be ok. .
7. Risky but try to talk of another topic,and try to relate the new topic to the original. .so that u'll have a better chance of winning.
What to do when u realize ur about to lose.
1.accept it,learn this so u won't be ANGRY later and hurt people
2.try to neutralise,so that no one wins.do this by saying that non of the side is REALLY correct,theres something better.

Hehe,hope u find it useful. .assalamualaikum n peace. .

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