Thursday, August 26, 2010


I could see quite a difference between my current body and last year's. . Yea! ! I have more muscle. .but i still dnt noe if i loss some fat,or gained some more. .hmm. .i need to do some cardio exercises,its been a long time since i left dancing. .i used to dance hard everyday. . .well,nanti th dulu x tu. .ane kn blajar lagii,ngalih eh. .shoulders,biceps and peck nda tgarak. .triceps sja n chest. .n0o0! ! !

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Its funny. .i usually dnt share things like this but im in the mood,so,ure lucky,hehe. .u noe,everytym i get a crush on someone,i would try to imagine how it would be if we were together,sometimes i look too far (after marriage and have kids) haha. . Anotha thing,when i feel sad about how pathetic i am,i would try to imagine the world without me and see whats lost,hehe,this regenerates my confidence. . I always try to imagine everything,its fun!and it increases creativity level. .i usually imagine things,to make me feel good and happy. . Here are the things i imagined :
me being a succesful rapper/singer
me having a killer body
me beating up the criminals using my martial art skills
me when im older
me when im dead and all the crying people
my parents,dead,this makes me feel lucky to have them.
My siblings,dead,same effect.
Me being a billionaire
me being poor
me as a playa
me as a magical creature
me as some super hero
me as a super villain
me as a father/husband
me as a woman(yes)
well basically i imagine about everything including how it would be if i have all the things i want or how fun it would be to cut a cucumber. . I dnt noe if u guys also do this,hehe. .bh,atu saja,assalamualaikum xD

*imagining how happy she is right now,and how happy he is,he must be a great guy*

How it ends

I restrained my self from seeing you. .i did not use the path i used to walk through just to see you. .i did not purposely be a little late to physics class just to see you. .despite all this effort,it feels so wrong,its against my will. .i CAN forget you but somehow i dont want to because you are one of the best thing that ever happen to me(cliche xp i dnt noe why i can still be funny,mood spoiler) . .and why would i want to forget something so important? ?something that changed me for the better. .something that made me the person who my friends thought i was but i wasnt and they never find out. .hehe. .i MAY move on but i will NEVER forget you. .i wish i could thank you but i cant tell you why,so i dont dare to. . I think that is all for now,assalamualaikum! ! !

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Emmm. .

Im remembering the times before she came. .i was still quite the same person as who i am now,except that i was sinner. .since i knew her,i changed. .i doubt any body noticed. .but,it was a huge change,rely huge. .i am grateful that i found her or else i wudnt be the person i am right now. .this is actually the main reason i like her soo much. .she actually affect me this much. .uhmm. .

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hahaha! ! I hav no idea why im laughing.maybe im crazy

The season come without warning. .the clouds start to leak. .and the sun is starting to fade. .all visions are blurred. .the mists has conquered. .this once beautiful land,it seems like it has reached its time. .the blizzard has replaced the calm breeze. .the coldness has sucked in all the ease. .the mountains sink into the deep sea. .nothing is left nothing to destruction.

Friday, August 20, 2010

I admit it

Yes,i am jealous of my friends,who gets to be with the lady of their choice. . Huuu. . Why cant i too? ? Maybe its not time yet. .maybe its just not my fate. .maybe its not my luck. .maybe its not possible. .maybe its because my hair is curly. .apakan. . Ahh,yes. .i havent made any big moves,medium size pun nada x. .hoho. . Jelesku eh. . Cmaaana ne. . Zzzz *tetidur mkirkan apa yg kn d buat,so msane aku ngigau psl aku blum bca doa,assalamualaikum*

June As results out! !

Huh. .ALHAMDULILLAH I GOT ABB! !A for physics,upgrade from B. .B for maths upgrade from C. .and B for chem,first try. . Didnt expect this,i tot id get lyk BBC. .or lower. .cuz,i werent cnfident. .i ws rely shocked actually,to beat others who worked a lot harder than me. .eath berkat namanya ne. .slalu ne cmane ah. .exam biasa bida rsult,sdh yg bnr ok ya. .hehe,im very happy ryt now. .again,alhamdulillah. .ok,til next tym assalamualaikum. .

Thursday, August 19, 2010

They say the best words come from the heart. .lets giv it a test

*Doin this while listenin to FEAR by Drake. .

Seventeen years,ive been livin in this world.
Neva seen a girl,who is shinin lyk a pearl.
Neva been immersed,in this feelin i preserved.
This feelin differ,from the otha ii referred.

Look into my eyes,u know my intention.
Evrytime u smile,send me to a dimension.
Believe me girl u got me with your affection.
I looked into the mirror and didnt see my reflection.
I see u,u are the definition of perfection.
Nurse me,im sick of the rejections.

We can take it slow,n we can make it slower.
Let us get to know,but i aint gonna force ya.
But i would try my best,so that yes,is your answer.
God i pray to be blessed,wish to be accepted and nothing under. .

I wish i cud say more,but non matter what i say. .
It wont show u everything so now let me share.
Open up the door,and you would let me stay.
I would assure u i'd do anything i may. .

Yeah i dont love you,but i would really love to.
Im trynna get to know u,thats all i gotta do.
Please let me,im askin your permission.
U are in my vision,and you are my mission.

Haha,atu saja dulu,syukur th. .ane kn bjalan lge btadarus,aher krg kna mrahi.haha,bh.assalamualaikum.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Huh. . .

So far. .blum lge byk progress,pyh jua aah,klaukn mrapatkn scara face to face pyh pasal jrg bjumpa n mun bjumpa pun bknnya dpt bcrita. .5 minit pun payah. . Cmanakn bprogress tu? ? Aishh. . Harapanku nganya facebook,twitter,msn. .mcm nda mcukupi. . Hmm,buat sja lh apa yg dpt utk mngnali dgn lbih dekat lagi,smuga aku brjaya,amiin. .

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ya Allah

So far blog ane blum ada update yg nada kaitan bne2. .hahaha. . So ne nah update yg psl hal2 lain!

Okeh,1st,as xpcted aku punya maths fail! !but atleast over 30%,mcm yg sirku sruh,hahaha. .happy tplang aku ane

2nd,lately aku slalu nda ckup tdur,pleng bth pun 5 jam jua nganya x. .rinduku tdur 8 jam eh. .

3rd,priksa nda g bataah,so aku kn revise tpi lum jua tbuat.aishh. .mdahan th start esuk aku revise,mlm ane nda dpt sl ada tadarus,hahaha.

Ok,atu th nganya tu,syukur th.assalamualaikum

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Im starting to like her. .im already in a state where i could easily say YES to her(i doubt shell ever prpose to me). .i cudve continued doing all my moves without feeling bad at all but when competition is there. . I just feel incompetent. . I dnt even noe if she shud cntinue this. . I mean theres a better guy out there who wants her so why wud she ever pick someone with less quality? Huh,imma giv her just a few more chances to show me that she likes me before i say good bye. .

Saturday, August 14, 2010


During my 'study',i have found these characteristics of hers:

softspoken,and she have a cute voice

she always SMILE which is why i like her soo much! And her smile is,soo wonderful.

She always seem calm and im jealous. .why cant I be as calm? ? This i also like. .

She is a muslimah,yes,the MOST important thing i look at. .hehe. .

She makes me nervous. .this i dont like,hahaha. .but its a sign! Hmmm. .

Shes not shy and i think,i think,shes kinda coy but still nt sure on this. .

She likes me,Oh i wish! !hahah!

Oryt,til then! !assalamualaikum

Friday, August 13, 2010

The feelin was real

I was with my friends and her. .we were just hanging out,doing something. .i liked her,i wanted to make a move but i just didnt. .we came to this place and a group of wankstars trynna mess with us. .i told the leader to not disturb us but somehow he tried to attack me using a wooden stick. .i fought him back using a wooden stick,i was glad i went to kendo training. .one on one was okay but then the other members of the gang came n beat me up. .i fell to the ground and thought of her,i hoped that she'd be fine. .the gang went away and i knew that i was dead. .my friends cried,she did too. .i wish ive told her about my feelings but there was nothing i cud do. .time passed,id always watched her,i was a soul or a ghost. .one day,the gang came again and disturbed my friends,they were assaulting them. .somehow,by the will of god,i was reincarnated. .as soon as i was on my feet i went to protect my friends,i tried my best to not die. .luckily,the gang gave up and ran away. .i turned around and suddenly i was hugged.and stunned. .i hugged her back before i told her that we should let go of each other,i apologized. .we stood there gazing into each others eyes,cherishing the moment. .i was happy,i was in love. .i wish the moment never ends,but i had to go. .gud bye,i love u. .

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Where the F are you when i need u. . .CONFIDENCE! ! !

Haha,ive never felt as nervous as today since like,NTAAH! ! And uhh,didnt get to chat wit her cuz she went home early. .aishh! ! Nda apaa,sabtu ane adaaa! ! !

Monday, August 9, 2010

Aaah. .dmana ada kbaikan,ada kburukan. .

Yea,i noe dat we've been doin good,i hv nt done any big moves but we slow n steady. .but what im afraid is dat people are gnna noe dat im trynna hit on her. .n so if anythn bad happens,lots of people wud noe and wud embarrass me. ."YA ALLAH" i keep sayin dat now cuz its better than saying t*ie. .i just wish everythin goes well. .i dnt noe if i shud giv more time or to take it to the next level,hanging out,having a good chat. .i rely need a one o one cnvrsation. .so dats the update.peach

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Yea! ! ! to her again,without shaking. .DONE! ! !but my ears was red,theyr always red when im excited.but being 'pressured' by math exam was a great excuse.
Todays a great day,eventho after those effin maths exam that i noe i eff'd up because today i get to talk with her,TWICE! ! Im also glad dat SHE started the second conversation,dus dat mean anything,hmmm. .and so after a great chat ofcos i was happy but i kept my face neutral bcus i might get teased more by my friends! And they still did! Ya Allaaaah. . I just hope she or her fren didnt hear my frens or me from the distance. .so my next mission is to have lunch with her.pretty simple but chllenging. .lets do this!
Oh yeah,u might realize how im rushing all this. .this is bcuz if theres competition(a guy whos also hittin on her) ,i dnt wanna be too late n lose her. .another reason is because of the change in the way i think about having relationships. .i used to think that people shud get to no each other well before being a couple but now i think people shud just get to know a lil about each other and see if they like each other,n then,be in a relationship and this is the time when the couple shud rely get to noe each other! Nda jaa? Hehehe.think dats all for now. Peace.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Mission MH

Ok,what it do. . ?

Its been awhile but i think its time to release that flirtatious bit of me. .the one that have been imprisoned for a long time. .ok heres my plan,tat tat tara! ! :

1. Dnt be stupid,use short cut,be friends in facebook (done)
2. Get noticed,greet her in school (done)
3. Try to talk to her,grab every chance (done)
4. Talk to her again,without shaking
5. Buy her a drink,have lunch together,get to know her.try to make her laugh.not laugh at her.try not to drink too not look not look at her body.
6. Ask for her phone number,if she doesnt give,dnt lose hope,do not blush,relax.bunkes.go to step 7.if she gives, congrats,im on a gud track.
7. Get to know her even more and let her or make her know more about myself.DO NOT USE FACEBOOK TO DO THIS.
8. If she likes me,her friends will start to look at me in a funny way,or even talk to me.
9. I should be proud to be able to do all this. . By this time i shud noe a lot about her and i must be comfortable with her oredy.
10. The confession.this is the funny part that everyone has to deal with. She obviously noe my intention but somehow it needs confirmation. If im a real man,imma do it face to face,its the best way. .if im a less brave person,i may use my phone(by this time she must have already gave me her phone no.)
11. If she accepts me, be happy. .if she rejects me,be normal,leave her. .if she doesnt say a thing,give her time to think. .

Time Requirement : less than 1 month but for a person like me,its gnna take awhile. .
Mana : i need a lot of these
luck : again, a lot needed.
Difficulty : beginner