Thursday, October 29, 2009

. . .

Soft music moved my heels.
Pulled me from the unreal.
I opened my eyes
only to realize
it was you.
My lips flew.
Yours too.
They met each other.
Dancing together.
And it starts
the game of the hearts. . .

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hmm. . .

My tearducts are dry. .
Cries after cries. .
Tries after tries. .
I decide. .
The truth will hide. .
And you will live with my white lie. .

I did not survive
but i am alive. .outside
my heart is dead,empty,nothing to show.
So please,close the window.
Let me enjoy my loneliness. .
Yes,my first. . .

Monday, October 5, 2009


I i. .i neva thot that. .i neva thot that it wud turn out to be like this. .neva thot that feelings cud be recycled. .if its a good one its a miracle,but but diz ones neva givin me a smile.i mean,its lyk i walked fo miles,trynna leave it when u aint noe its tied to u,n it cudnt be untied,tha only way to get rid of it is to cut it but i left ma scissors waay back,n i dnt wanna go there. . . .

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sumbody turn on tha lights,eheh. . .

Ma world is darker than any dark places,u see the same thang even if u wear sun glasses,got this dark thing hangin on ma wrist neva noe its a bracelet,evrythn dark u cant see me seems lyk im faceless,tho dark i aint sleep i am restless,i hit tha switch but the bulb blasted,so i aint shinin no mo i make no cashes.i was on fire but now im ashes.thanx ya'll fo all ya'll blesses.peace. . .

Monday, September 21, 2009

Lalala. .a lil bit of ME in here

Pain pain go away,come again another day,youngjok3r wants to play,pain pain go away~

Wats happnin to me

I saw u at corner standin cute with ur sneakers. .
U looked at me staring with. .thirst?
U were gripping a freshly sharpened cleaver. .
With it u made me these wounds n u make it deeper. . .
N deeper n deeper non stop. .
Im bleeding n u tied me with a rope. .
Blood dripped off the knife that u neva drop. .
I tot u'll stop,but nope. .

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My death

U told me u'd be here til the end of time.where r u?i searched but cant find.maybe im blind.
Im cold,ur hands arent there for me to hold.
I am barely breathin,due to this freezing.
I cant feel any warmth,n my body feels numb.
Where r u?where am i?this place is dark,no is darker than night.
There wasnt any breeze.
No sound nor even hiss.
Wait. .i heard sumthing.its getting louder. .
"fauzan my dear,i love u,may u rest in peace"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Funny where i got tha inspiration from

Friends Forever~Too Bad. . .

Runnin back thru tym
u were eight n i was nine
u my neighbor n u live juz next door
i used to knock n ya mom said 'watchu ask for'?
N i ask her 'is she at home'?
She said 'shes upstairs cme on in' didnt stand long.
When i see ya i said i brought sum play doh.
She gav me an amazin smile n tell me 'watcha wait for?'
she made flowers n i made a baseball.

We also play cook i lyk to do the choppin.
We pray evryday,'friends foreva' we were hopin.
We had fun we han non stop laughin.
We juz laugh eventho theres nothin.

Things get better when she got a new hobby.
She loves to play tha piano an this is OUR melody.

friends foeva too bad.
Neva togetha soo sad.

Then comes high skool tha tym i start to realize
i wanted to be mo than frens i wanna hav a real life.
But u r wit this guy whose love is smaller than pea size.
But u still wit him n i cnt help but rely try
to tell ya deserve better but i cant help but rely cry
when u said hes the best othas r less
evryday im in pain n u asked me wats wrong
i said nuthn but the fact the problemr infront
i guess i'll juz smile til its gone
but seems ma problem neva be done
n it seems dat u'll neva be mine
n it seems dat i'll neva be fine

one night u called me n told me that ur dumpd
time passes n we still talkn thru the phone
tot its an opportunity to tell ya wat i want.
But i hold ma lips cuz i noe dat u won't

friends foeva too bad
neva togetha soo sad

god had granted our wish
funny im not happy with this
now i cud neva kiss
kiss u in the lips

friends foeva too bad
neva togetha soo sad

now i wish i neva made dat wish n i wish i neva met u

friends forever~ too bad. . . X'(

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Its been a long tym since the last tym i rely take my time to write a piece. .well,i got plnty of tym,so i think i'll write one. . .its gonna be dark. .col it hipmo. .

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Yes,i hv abndond u. . .

Yes i cant handleyablog. .cuz im lyk mentallyblocked. .ma words r sillytalk. .i got tyms when it reallyshocks. .ma ideas was once on hyperate. .but now its juz on hibernate. .it used to pop lyk paperbags. .but now its error lyk parallax. .

Saturday, August 29, 2009

As requested. . .song fo ya verse 2

I cud bring u to outerspace
i cud hold u on yo waist
i cud kiss u on yo face
we juz simply tha best
we juz had d chance but u lettin it to waste.
I got it all planned n now u leavin me in mess.
A long tym it had been n i cnt count how many days,or decades,i dnt care,i juz wanna say
why u leavn me gurl?wateva duz he has?
Is he on da top?whreva is he placed?
Is it cuz he treat u gud?well i cud treat u better
u juz so loveable i aint wanna b yo hater
we r over,but we made it as a history.
We were lovers,but now we juz a mistery
no one knows how n why leavn me in misery
people r confused cuz dey once say dat weee,r
but it seems ur love r fake
imma open ma eyes n awake
leave it all n take a break. .huh.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Exams unfair

No offense but im a 'naurhsoea' kid,n imma vomit this sh*t.i aint trynna be a geek but this EOY exam big!but tha questns r frm tha PYP,so those who did it thinks its a piece of P.I.E. .so now imma keep.wri.tin. . .til i got this anger . .yea im lyk sad+mad+angry+cra.zy.times.three. .dnt believe me?cme on . .cuz so angry i tear.those.tees. .savin ya'll!dats wat dis tear.drops.did. . .

Who's hiho jc?

A band of two rappers,two producers,two writers,two diffrent styles. .now watch us combine as we take our rappin to diffent genres. . .hip hop,rnb,techno,rock,pop,u say it! ! !hahahah *buang buring* btw,saf,got new beat,rock rock! ! Hahahah

Monday, July 27, 2009


Zan! !sama mcm kau tdi aah! !hahahah!skadaaar. . .

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saaaf saaaf

Uhhum. . .dnt b so negativ,if its so sedative,cntnue but dnt u perish,dnt u vanish,life shud be cherishd,emm,how to say this. .antam sja cia saaaf. .

Friday, July 17, 2009

SaF! ! !

I made one but sum1 laughd at it n says it sounds lyk an indo song. . .anotha one comin wit d chord 'ab eb bb ab',sounds gud tu me. . .hee,imma make it sound technoish since we dnt hav dat so far. .heheheh

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Lalala. . .stupid imagination. .

Wat if. . .evry prson was given by god his own world. .n in d world was put people just for this one person. .the person makes friends n have family. .these friends n family are made just for him. .n his life is just a test n after the day come,he will leave evrythng n start a new life on a new world,a real world n a real life where he meets real people who expriencd wat he have n once had their on world. . .hahahah

Wooh000! ! !

I failed my physics. . .pacah record yo!paling rndah pun pnah dpt E. .ane dpt U. .hahahahah. .lusa test chem g ne. . .whoo,wish me luck! ! !

Monday, July 13, 2009


2day is d 1st day fzul cme 2 skool since d holiday! ! !hahah,there wasnt any silence tday since i laugh lyk more than 50% of d tym. . .hehehe. .n tday fzul shwd me sum1 who he tot looks lyk me. . .hmmm,well he kinda got ma hair,except dat my hair is shorter now. .he got ma glasses. . .but he aint got sumthn dat makes me,me. . .hehe. .he dnt hv ma smile(freaky one) n my oh-so-annoyng-laugh. .hahahahah. . Peeeaaaace

Friday, July 10, 2009


Dgr th esuk. .haha,buat beat tpulng,nda plangku mbca pjik. .

Saturday, July 4, 2009


When talkin bout ma self,no one knows how to do it,better then my self,hahah. . . . .

U crazy but im crazier.
U lazy but im lazier.
U wild but im an animal.
I kill ya'll lyk a cannibal.
I arrive lyk a miracle.
I dive lyk the seagals.
Im greener than the pickles.
Im Top rated lyk pinnacle.
Im tha opposite of typical.
Im special.
Yeah.i aint vanishable.i aint perishable.
I remain lyk a stain i dazzle.
Im missable.
N d gurls whistle.

Peace hahaha

If we got skool tmrrow

Hmm. .im doomd im doomd ma head go smile wont bloom no longer cuz i b dead hw been waitn so long in ma room.waitn fo me to move.but i aint have d mood.i cud. .but i gud but its not puzzles dat i want.i shud but i wanna run.hope its juz done.but its impossible.oww so horrible. . .

Friday, July 3, 2009

Antaam saajalah

Im back brotha now im sixteen.
Im hotter then wat da opposite sex seen.
Or any sex scene.haha
u b wnderin whre i had been.
Well i tried to fill it where i lack in.
N now i aint tremble no mo but i got d people shakin.
Oops,i must be dreamin.
Wake me slap me!hahah.
Now u hear it when d jc tag team.
We get things n take things.
We make the record den we break it!hahah.get it?
Listen to it non stop as if its sacred.
Esp to whom its directed.
Ma words a lil complicated.
Stuck here an there lyk its constipated!hahah. .peace

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Im trippin when i see u.dem gurls wanna be u.dey want u me too.wat eva i need with u.receive u sniff u.othas cant be u wat eva she do.n neva will u.fall dey olwez beneath u.i olwez believe u.n i'll olwez give u.ol those things in tha magazine dat u read through.i give u evrythn u need boo

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Hello world. . .

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Song for u remix

I cud bring u to outerspce.
I cud hold u on yo waist.
I cud kiss u on d face.
Ur just simply d best.

We just had d chance,but u lettin it to waste.
I got it all planned,n now u leavin me in mess.
Is it cuz he treat u gud?well i cud treat u better.
Ur just so loveable.i aint wanna be yo hater.

In a minute u'll find out im d one ur after.
Haha.imma burst out ma laughter.
Cuz then u realized dat im d love master.
But its too late cuz i no longer crave ya.

Cuz we r done n we made it as a history.
We were magic n now it is a mistery.
No one knows why u leavin me in misery.
People r cnfused cuz dey once say dat we. .

R perfect.but it seems ur a fake.
So imma open ma eyes n awake.
Leave it all n take a break.
Tho im havin heart ache.
Im havin a hard sec.
Ma heart on earthquake.
Soo dark soo black.
Its soo sad.
Its soo dead.
But im glad.
Cuz u?u juz mad. . .

Sunday, May 24, 2009


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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Its been awhile. . .now,imma do sumthn different.hope ya'll like it

Yes,ive been dead in my coffin.
Ive been sick juz sneezin n coughin.
Now im alive juz drinkin som coffee.
Now lets go to sumwhere cop-free.

Why?cuz i failed my math n dats a crime.
Im feelin desperate im havin a hard time.
I thought imma get a ladder n juz climb.
But success needs effort i dnt see dat i aint blind.

Wats wrong with me is it ma brain?
Tryn to stop it but it appears again.
Ive been losin in this game.
N nuthn will eva be same.
Ive been under this shame.
N non other be blamed.
Non other be claimed.
I just need to gain.
Bcuz spirit neva came,
on its own dats insane.

Now lets get that papers n pen.
Get sum work on ma hand.
It may be plain but dats d plan.
N now imma do it,til then. .

Monday, May 11, 2009


Eyy gurl. .imma make u mine!imma make u blind.but ders one thing imma let u see.n dat thng is me!n i'll make u deaf n all u hear is ma other noise.juz me no hotter boys.hahah.yea,all u smell is ma minty fresh breath dats watcha want.hahah,n ya cnt taste anythng,nothng but tongue.i love how it moves u love how it runs.yea,n ma warmth is tha only thing u'll feel.u cn trust me imma keep it real. Lalala

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Freestyle. .

Now. .ive been busy guys!im lyk weezy guys!i juz hv no tym fo dis thing guys!i juz hav no tym fo dissin guys!yeah im da beast but where d beast lies?im da king ol d otha kids dies!dey weak cuz dey aint eat rice.u shuda luk at em n deir weak cries.hahah.u call me shit den ma shit nice.yeah,ya'll need life.huh. . .listen to ma sigh. .im tired so gud bye dnt ask why!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I caught a cold. .i feel soo weak. .but i forced my self to do ma hw,tho i didnt finish it x(

I Had plans fo this day,pksa cancel. . .frustrated,i playd god father to relax my mind,or to activate it. .it was unsuccsful. .huh. .i got sumthn important to do but i cant. . .sory,i cudnt tell u what. . .but hopefully,i'll feel oryt tomrrow so i cud do it before i go to school. .

Dats ol fo now,i wanna rest. .btw,d title is a mix of sh*t n sick. . .hee. .peace. .

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Last man standing

Guess whos d last student to be in school tday? ME!HAHAHA. . .i was at skool til 6 + pm ! Hahah! My gran's driver forgot to tke me n my hp has no batt! !uh,why at dis tym? ? Frtunately i cud borrow sumone elses hp n at 6+ my dad took me. .hahaha. .btw,at nearly 6,there was no one in dat skool,except fo me,and d watch man,if he's there,hee. . .ayt.peace

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Heres some freestyle fo da 'blow me a kiss' song by git fresh

Hey hey miss,
Blow me a kiss,
i'll giv u the bliss,
n u sure be pleased.

Yes u r his,
but let me tell u this,
u find it hard wit him,with me u flow wit ease. .

Blow me a kiss hit me on ma cheek.
N i get ya ,im suddenly weak.
ma mouth be leaked.
Sayn to ma homies 'she sick!'

I know. .

Yes,its been awhile. .im very sory,im a very busy man. . .first,i got my hw to do,2nd,need to prctice guitar n dance,3rd,i got football matchs whch makes me tired at d end of d day. . .4th,im just too lazy. . . Plz undrstand,peace,assalamualaikum xD

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dadada (defensive)

Spell check spell check!
Jok3r bring tha next text!

I aint delrious im delicious.
U trynna hit me wit ya disses.
U tryin hard ya brain got blisters.
But its useless cuz your hit misses.

Yah.ya ryt i aint cool im hot!
I aint a fool im smart!
Like a bull im hard!
Gurls drool cuz im all that!hahaha

Im walkin with ma bling,yea im a bad man.
Yea im a rat with wings,im tha batman.
I dnt have to do a thing,cuz my maids can.
Im rich,im hot,cuz im bruce wayne.

Hahaha.yea. . .my offensive writing is soo powerful it cud kill,dats why im being dfensive but it is still,real. .haaa.peace

Lets not rhyme for a minute. .

Okay. . .wat did i say? ? ?ur face hidious,put a smile on it. . .tell me people wat does it mean?it means,i dont like to see people without a smile their face.n dat i want u to smile.evrybody looks good when dey smile. .i am being honst here. .dats d truth. . .ive neva called sumone ugly bfore,except when jokin wit ma frens. . .but if ur still angry,i am sorry. .

Monday, April 13, 2009


I neva eva purposely n seriously offend some one by writin rhymes. .but,i CAN. .hahaha.juz fo yo info,since im bored. . Peace


Wat i want u to do,is tell me if u find my last post 'wat i do' offensive,thru c box. .cuz,it isnt made to offend. . .ayt,dats all. .thanx for readin. .

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Wat i do. wohoo ada mood.hahah

Wat i do?i forgive.
Wat u do?u believe.
If u dont,u wont,u gone,u gon leave.
Haa. .

So u gon trust me.
U must see.
U just be,believe in tha fan of weezy.

Why so serious?no need to b sorry.
Ya face hidious.put a smile cuz its ugly.
So u curious.wat me wat ya col homie.
I tolerate dats wat i do i got it naturally.

But but but,i do have a favor.
Listen to ma song taste its flava.
Tell me if ya like it or u'll neva.
Yea cmment on it like u have ta.
Ya u gotta tell the truth.
Thers nuthin to lose.
U aint gonna get a bruise.
Or a loose tooth. .hmm. .
So im new u new too.
Set ya mind im a cool dude.
I maybe rude,but im a good dude.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

I have a dream (kinda freestyle,hee,since i hav the mood)

Every thing starts from somewhere.
Its eithr u dnt noe or u dont care.
The idea of superman n his underwear.
Creators have dreams i say.

I dream to have ma voice playd on air.
My frens as supprtes n ma guide lil wayne.
My frens as ma body,weezy ma head.
He Gav me creativity n spirit evry day.

Every star was a wannabe.
Yes im on of em,Weezy on top of me.
If ur such a hater back off bfore im mean.
Before i show attitude u neva seen.

Life with a dream is beautiful,
without em life is meaningless,
u dnt hav one how pitiful,
open yo eyes wide cuz u been seeing less.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Whos back whus back?

Ggggoo00o00t nuu beat. .fizul listened to d sample n he said it was bad "blek smula mcm beat mu dulu2" sumthn lyk dat. .n id just improved it,i think it is way better than d sample. .hope fizuls gonna lyk it,cuz i oredy tot of a song. .hahaha. .its called. . . to be cntinued xp xp

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Today. .

At around 10 am fizul n I went to a carnival at SMR,my ex school,hmm,the memories..his dad sent us by car. .it was hot,hotter than me!sounds impssible,but its true xp but,i had so much fun i only realize it when we were about to leave d place. .haha. .as soon as we reach d place,we went around,juz chckin d place out . .hehe. .there were food,bouncers n even horses. .haha.we met safwan n muiz at d foire n went to try d flying fox!only i am brave enuf to try it,i askd dem why dey didnt try xp,dey gav me excuses. .hahah. .man it was fun!feels like flyin. . .haha. .too bad safwan left bfo i fly. .hee. .after dat,i went fo d face paint. .hehe.look at d pic i just uploaded. .hee. .i am d centr of attntion,n im luvin it xp haha.but my frens didnt seem too.haa. . Okay,dats ol fo now. .peace

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Jemo,Heres yo nyappy happy rhyme. .i call it. ."shut up wanksta! ! !" hahaha

So u wearin baggy pants,d sparklin shiny chains,but you got skinny hands,n not dat many frens. .wat a pity,ya da shitty..ok. .ya a wanksta not a a gangsta. .ya names bobby but u booby,even tho u wearin hoodies,think u a man but u booty,dfintely not a cutey. .lalala. .buang bureng

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


To make it simple,i hate my self. .but its not my style. .i am very grateful that i am not physically retarded. .but i hate my 'special' ability. .it works passively,i dont have to do anything except for talking. .i cud reach to a person's heart and abuse it. .either leave a scar,or crush it. .i will be fine,until i find out wat i did. .n after that,i will be crushed,ryte away. .how many times i cursed my self n how many times i cried. .millions.why must there be a monster in me?why must i hurt people?it hurts to hurt. .guiltiness is a form of pain which will not die until you forgive your self. .n forgivin my self is impossible,since i cant apologize to my self. . .i tried to do so,by talking to frens.things just keep getting better when ur own fren says that ur evil. . .i tried to be kind,tot i was being kind,i was too late i find out i was being d opposite. .i cried while d monster laughed. .it is growing. .i am weakening n my frens arent there to support me. .i am falling n my frens arent there to save me. .i am dead. . .n d monster is alive. . .

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I listen to gangsta music,i shud look like a gangsta,wit a face dat scares people off,. .i shud show off often,bcuz its cool. .i shud avoid playin wit frens,bcuz its childish. .dats wat i tot to my self,every single day. . .i felt empty,but d desire to be cool overpowrd my sufferings. .however,it was all changed for good,by a single sight. .a SMILE. .evrytym i see one,i said to my self."im so stupid. .life shud fun,filld wit laughters n all. ." i now undrstand dat evrything is clear when u simplify them. .i guess wat im tryin to say is. . .SMILE. .it makes others realize dat dey shud do d same thing. .n when u smile u'll be happy. .n it will be easier to think clearly. . Whethr u hav a problem or ur just confused wit life. .smiling is d best thing to do. .

Shoot,i dnt noe wat im talking.i dnt rely noe how to express my self,hee,but guess wat?im still smiling!hahaha.peace

Monday, March 30, 2009

Why me? ? ?

No im not gonna talk bout nerds.
Im tryin ma best to make dis work.
Straight from ma chest forms to words.
Cuz nobody in dis world lyks to be hurt.

Cuz if ders gurl out der its deir love dat i take.
N deir heart i break.
D sadness i make.
Made d tear ducts awake.
N deir voices shake.
Like an earhquake.
Yea im darker than black.

I neva wanted to be a monster.
Dnt want a broken heart be ma thirst quencher.
Yes i am colder,den d winter.
I am bad n my mouth is bitter.

I olwez make a gurl cry.
Even tho i neva tell a lie.
Dey laughn when dey meet me,d rest of deir life dey neva smile.why?

Maybe im born as a devil in human form.
Den is d hell where im from?
Is dat place rely my home?
Hope dats not where i blong.

Am i destined just to crush?
Neva be nice olwez harsh?
Where ever i go evils a must?
N D evil in me,it neva rust?

I olwez wanted to be good.
But things dnt go d way it shud.
Im olwez evil where ever im put.
D school,d park,or d hood.

If i'll neva b good den gud bye world.
N live peacefully u innocent gurls.
Save your tears,each worth a pearl.
Dnt fear,dear,im not here,im no where near. . .

Saturday, March 28, 2009

'im jok3r' ,as requested

Chorus - dey callin(cuz im d jok3r)
dey fallin(cuz im d jok3r)
dey laugin(cuz im d jok3r)
dey lovin(cuz im d jok3r)
repeat. .

Verse 1 - yea ma names fauzan but dey call me youngjok3r.
I maybe fifteen but ma body look so mature.
Dats d fact,dnt get mad,its just my nature.
If ya wanna see den cme ere n take a picture xp.
Gurls dey in luv cuz im a sweet talker.
Lyk to party at nyt lyk im a sleep walker.
Fyi im a crip walker.
Dance n rap ya nigga imma big rocker.
Yea im fresh,straight from d bath tub.
Im strong as a lion u cud call me tough cub.
Ma body so hard u think im a carved rock.
U no match wit me cuz u neva hav enough luck.
U askd for it so imma show u wat i got.
Wanna see money,yea i got a lot xp.
Got so many money,cudnt fit in ma back yard.
I put it in da bank n started usin crdit cards. .


To be cntinued

New poll!

Vote,people! Hehe

Thursday, March 26, 2009


2day i met my 3 fans at d mall! ! !hahaha.n. . .i met my ex...i felt lyk an asshole. . .ayt.peace

Monday, March 23, 2009

Laugh out loud! [sort of freestyle.hee]

U being too serious,u makin me soo curious,lets put a smile on dat face cuz its hidious..wateva it is i dont care,wont care,dis is sunday,so lets go out n flow out n pay. . g sambung .hahaha

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Forgiv me

Na shawty last nyt,i did sum'in wrong..n dats why i write,i make dis song..d incident was short,but d guiltness stays fo long..n da hell so hot,is where i blong. .im sory dat im evil enough to hurt u.but ya noe dat i heart u.u stuck to me lyk a tattoo.i love i just had to..i hurt u but i didnt meant to..makin a gurl cry is nt wat im into..u noe dat dnt u?see i want u...forgiv me wont u?please do want to...i promise i wont make fun of u again.if i break it den to jail im d one to blame.jok3rs ma name.i hurt a gurl n im ashamed. . .

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Amm. .amm. .

Hey hey hey! Nu'iiiin~! ! ! Hahaha... Lalala

Friday, March 20, 2009


Im baaack!young j is back on d track!hahaha. just feeln hyper xD

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Mission

SCHOOL HOLIDAY! ! !i got missions = 1. Buat n.e.r.d.s mega remix 2. Get fit fo katok league 3. Go ta mall 4. Practice guitar 5. Finish homok . . .hahaha.peace! Dis gon be fun

Friday, March 13, 2009

Amm. .

Hy. Hahaha. I dnt noe wat to say

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Forever friends

Im the sun.u r the moon.i made u alive.without me u'll drown in the darkness,n no one can see your i gave u my love,my light.we r perfect as one.but the moon n the sun shall never be together. .that would leave the world in darkness,an eclipse.n we shall never be too far apart for the same reason.that is why we're friends,forever. .

Saturday, March 7, 2009

My favourite subject so far. . .

ENGLISH AS! ! !haha.its real fun!

Friday, March 6, 2009


No cuties nor beauties. Dats ol i gotta say.hahaha

Worst news

No album dis year or next year! ! !A level upcumin..BZ BZ BZ! ! !sory 2 all.dats ol i cud say.peace

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Its 6.11,cant wait til 6.30..cuz on dat tym i'll be takin off to PTEK,yea,dats ryt,my first day at ma new school,hehe.wish me luck,in survivin,hahaha.peace

Monday, February 23, 2009


Finishd n.e.r.d.s super extended version today.but,safwan's part was kinda,out,n have lil SAF,BAEK TA RECORD G SKALII! ! !mun ko mauu. . .haha..ok,2mrrow,'forge'in u',hehe,peace!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Yea hea hea

Finishe 'am i a failure' n im happy wit it.haha.wat song shud i finsh 2mrrow?hmm. . .any idea?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Yeah! ! !

'Im jok3r' is finished...i shud b tired,but i feel energtic..mybe cuz im happy,haha..ayt..insyaALLAH I'll finish 'am i a failure' 2mrrow..hehe..peace..

Rap n rock

Mayn,2day,im singing again! ! !n its all bcuz of lil wayne.dat prom queen song he made rocks!!!n i cant wait for his rock album 'rebirth' n his rap album 'carter 4'! ! !young moula babaaay! !

Prom queen

I luvd her fancy undawear.
I sit bhind her evry year.
Waitn 4 d chance 2 get.
2 tell her im d one she shud b with.
She's popular with ol d guys.
So innocent in ma eyes.
I cud see her in ma lyf.
She wud've had d perfect sweet man.
see she had otha plans.
I cud not understand.
Her n her stupid frens.
Varsity's biggest fans.

Chorus- neva 4get d day.
She laughd n walkd away.
N i cudnt stop her.i guess she had it all.
She had it all figured out,but she left me with a broken heart.
F*cked around n turned me down,cuz she didnt think i cud play d part.
But now d prom queen,d prom queen,Is cryin sittin outside of my door.
See u neva noe how.
How evrythin cud turn around.

They luvd her fancy underwear.
Evry boyfren evry year.
She tried 2 keep em entertained.
When dey can hardly remember her name.
She did evrythin she cud.
Just 2 make him luv n treat her gud.
She found herself alone.
Askin herself where did she go wrong.
She didnt realize.
She chased d type of guys.
Dat dont believe in ties.
Tryin 2 apologize.


The 'RUSH'

First thing 2 du 2mrrow,remake 'im jok3r' n finish it..huh..gon take at least 4 hours...damn...n btw,i think i'll call ma album 'the rush' ! ! !hahaha.n i'll make a song bout d rush too.haha.ayt.peace.

A'level n my album

Ma motha said i wont have tym 2,i dnt thing ma album will eva be out next year. . .i decided 2 rush,n finish it,due d 1st school holiday dis year,which is on march.hehe.hope clown cud help.hehe.ayt.peace.

Monday, February 16, 2009

What i did 2day mornin

Nothin related 2 ma rappin career...went 2 school 2day 2 get ma 'leavin school certificate',n get ma $50 from sir amir for gettin 'A' for physics..KACHING! ! !ahaha..den ate at d skool canteen wit ma frens..ate kolomee,unsatisfying,it used 2 have more i went for soto for d next was. .ok...drank milo,no comment..herzan was checkin out fizul's hp. . .I got curious,when herzan said " sapa ne jul bne2 ah?cam ku kenal " sumthin lyk dat...der was a gurl's pic in his phone..fizul won't tell me,at first...afta bout 30 mins of duin nuthin,he dcided 2 tell..hehehe... Ayt,peace


Not finished rhymes = 'Twinka star',with clown..'he e ey',with clown..'dream gurl',with clown....

Not finish recordin = 'forgettin u'..'nerds remix' feat. Clown..

Just ideas = 'i wear specs'..'dance ya mumu'..

Finished but need 2 be remade = 'im jok3r','am i a failure'..'nerds'...'no love'..

My Fans

Im happy 2 say dat i have 3 fans = fizul,wani,ihah..u three will have my 1st album for free!but d thing is,u'll have 2 wait for it cuz it'll be out next year.ahaha!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Song lyric : n.e.r.d.s remix(jok3r)

Remix baby~ feat.clown

Soon we goin 2 school so get ur back pack.put ya shoes on get redy 2 get ur head mo bake or make cake.i noe its whack its wreckd but its d fact.
On sat we gon meet at d waitin our frens,raise ya hand,greetin hey!den hug jin thug no feelin gay.saw d canteen yea nigga we chillin there.
There'll be darknezz,hairuz n mumu.n u too but who u?wait i noe u.u d cool dude,on you tube.go to school wit ma nu shoe.der we meet our guru.dey taught us wat to do.n gave a few clue.on wats out on d exam.breakfast u eat school u meet sam.
Aha.n.e.r.d.s,aint cursed we blessed,aint worst we best,we first not last.
D greatest class,eva,on d highest level.
Lyf is betta den its eva been,since,im last seen,but lyk last tym im still a teen,still thin,on ma way 2 lean,lyk before stay clean,hot bring d popsicle in.
Now talkin bout mentos n cola.u did it u made em flow up.n i drink em feelin lyk throw up.n we d best so u noe dat!
N durin ramadhan,no eatin we cant,those days so fun,arif's eyes onion.
Remember volleyball?tell me u hit me n i fall.immobile lyk a doll!

hahaaaa! ! !

Song lyric : n.e.r.d.s (extended version)

Dis is a song i made for ma ex classmates,5A SMR(2008)..

Chorus- i remember d tyms all d memories.i wish there's no end for our story.but now we gotta go on to our own path.hope we meet again n together we laugh.on d same class(class),d very best(best). N(N),E(E),R(R),D,S! ! !

I noe i didnt call,but ya noe i miss ya'll,u noe i aint dat cold n ya'll mo den gold.we cud go 2 mall or we cud play sum ball,it is ok if u fall or if u can't shoot a goal.
Maybe u wanna do it,do sum water balloon.or just lay on d couch eyes on tv watchin cartoon.if ya'll wanna drive i wanna drive ma car too.i just wanna see u guys soon.
We family n we aint breakin apart,its impossible cuz our bond is hard,cuz evrytym evryones in our heart,n when dat happens we missin us a lot.
Ders no barrier for us no obstacle,we stick togetha n dats a miracle,u think its complexd but it is simple,is it love?its rhetorical .


when we care each otha lyk safwan did.he gave us love n dats ol we aint disgustin cuz we aint kids.we a family keep standin on our feet.
We lyk blood dat work togetha 2 clot.we may look weak but teamworks wat we got.we also pray n we got our god.n by all dat we first on d chart.


we call our selves nerds cuz we dynamic.we study hard n we dream big.we neva lie n we neva cheat.we do our job n let d teachers lead.
Nationally educated rugged dynamic student.we gon b hepy ya noe cuz we numba lets chill out frens n have sum fun.before we got no tym n d holidays gone. . .


Assalamualaikum n welcome 2 ma blog.ayt,i got 3 things to young,im fresh n im blazin! Hahaha ! Peace